Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion Board 8-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Discussion Board 8-2 - Essay Example The eating disorders examined were based on a continuum of self-esteem and perfectionism. According to the study, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) design was used (Peck & Lightsey, 2008). With this type of design, the researcher investigates multiple dependent variables at the same time. Based on the study, there are three dependent variables studied which include eating disordered (EDO) women, the symptomatic, and the asymptomatic. An interesting finding in the study was the relationship between eating disorders and perfectionism. Under ordinary circumstances, eating disorders are associated with self-esteem. Many studies show that individuals with eating disorders usually have low self-esteem because they feel that their bodies are different from those of others. This aspect explains why most eating disordered individuals have abnormal eating habits such eating too much and inducing puking. However, the aspect of perfectionism has not largely been explored as it relates to eating disorders. From the study, it was found that women with eating disorders exhibit perfectionist attitudes so as to achieve the â€Å"perfect body† shape (Peck & Lightsey, 2008). This interesting finding show that individuals with eating disorders fear making mistakes, are doubtful about their actions, become concerned about criticism, and like to put things in order (Peck & Lightsey, 2008). Indeed, this is a critical aspect tha t healthcare professionals should use when treating patients with eating

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Manager as a Planner and Strategist Essay Example for Free

The Manager as a Planner and Strategist Essay The Nature of the Planning Process: Planning is a process that managers use to identify and select appropriate goals and courses of action for an organization. The cluster of decisions and actions that managers take to help an organization attain its goals is its strategy. Thus, planning is both a goal-making and a strategy-making process. Planning is a three-step activity: 1)Determining the organization’s mission and goals: A mission statement is a broad declaration of an organization’s purpose that identifies the organization’s products and customers and distinguishes the organization from its competitors. 2)Formulating Strategy: Managers analyze the organization’s current situation and then convince and develop the strategies necessary to attain the organization’s mission and goals. 3)Implementing Strategy: Managers decide how to allocate the resources and responsibilities required to implement the strategies between people and groups within the organization. Levels of Planning: In large organizations planning takes place at three levels of management: Corporate Level, Business or Division Level, and Department or Functional Level. The Corporate-level plan contains top management’s decisions pertaining to the organization’s mission and goals, overall strategy, and structure. Corporate-level strategy indicates in which industries and national markets an organization intends to compete. The corporate-level plan provides the framework within which divisional managers create their business-level plans. A division is a business unit that has its own set of managers and functions or departments and competes in a distinct industry. Divisional managers are those who control the various divisions of an organization. At the business level, the managers of each division create a Business-level plan that details long-term goals that will allow the division to meet corporate goals and the division’s business-level strategy and structure. Business-level strategy states the methods a division or business intends to use to compete against its rivals in an industry. The business-level plan provides the framework within which functional managers devise their plans. A Function is a unit or department in which people have the same skills or use the same resources to perform their jobs. Functional managers are those who supervise the various functions such as manufacturing, accounting, and sales within a division. A Functional-level plan states the goals that functional managers propose to pursue to help the division attain its business-level goals, which, in turn, allow the organization to achieve its corporate goals. Functional-level strategy sets forth the actions that managers intend to take at the level of departments to allow the organization to attain its goals. An important issue in planning is ensuring consistency in planning across the three different levels. Functional goals and strategies should be consistent with divisional goals and strategies, which in turn should be consistent with corporate goals and strategies, and vice versa. Once complete, each function’s plan is normally linked to its division’s business-level plan, which, in turn, is linked to the corporate plan. Who Plans? In general, corporate-level planning is the primary responsibility of top managers. Corporate-level managers are responsible for approving business and functional-level plans to ensure that they are consistent with the corporate plan. Corporate planning decisions are not made in a vacuum. Other managers do have input to corporate-level planning. Even though corporate-level planning is the responsibility of top managers, lower-level managers can and usually are given the opportunity to become involved in the process. At the business level, planning is the responsibility of divisional managers, who also review functional plans. Functional managers also participate in business-level planning. Similarly, although the functional managers bear primary responsibility for functional-level planning, they can and do involve their subordinates in this process. Time Horizons of Plans: Plans differ in their time horizons, or intended durations. Managers usually distinguish among long-term plans, with a horizon of five years or more; intermediate-term plans, with a horizon between one and five years; and short-term plans, with a horizon of one year or less. Typically, corporate- and business-level goals and strategies require long and intermediate-term plans, and functional-level goals and strategies require intermediate and short term plans. Most organizations have an annual planning cycle, which usually linked to the annual financial budget. Although a corporate- or business-level plan may extend over five years or more, it is typically treated as a rolling plan, a plan that is updated and amended every year to take account of changing conditions in the external environment. Rolling plans allow managers to make midcourse corrections if environmental changes warrant or to change the thrust of the plan altogether if it no longer seems appropriate. Standing Plans and Single-Use Plans: Managers create standing and single-use plans to help achieve an organization’s specific goals. Standing plans are used in situations in which programmed decision making is appropriate. When the same situations occur repeatedly, managers develop policies (a general guide to action), rules (a formal, written guide to action), and standard operating procedures (SOP a written instruction describing the exact series of actions that should be followed in a specific situation) to control the way employees perform tasks. Single-use plans are developed to handle nonprogrammed decision making in unusual or one-of-a-kind situations. It includes Programs, which are integrated sets of plans for achieving certain goals, and Projects, which are specific action plans created to complete various aspects of a program. Why Planning is Important? Planning determines where an organization is at the present time and decides where it should be in the future and how to move it forward. When mangers plan, they must consider the future and forecast what may happen in order to take actions in the present and mobilize organizational resources to deal with future opportunities and threats. However, the external environment is uncertain and complex, and managers typically must deal with incomplete information and bounded rationality. Almost all managers engage in planning. The absence of a plan often results in hesitations, false steps, and mistaken changes of direction that can hurt an organization. Planning is important for four main reasons: 1)Planning is a useful way of getting managers to participate in decision making about the appropriate goals and strategies for an organization. 2)Planning is necessary to give the organization a sense of direction and purpose. A plan states what goals an organization is trying to achieve and what strategies it intends to use to achieve them. 3)A plan helps coordinate managers of the different functions and divisions of an organization to ensure that they all pull in the same direction. 4)A plan can be used as a device for controlling managers within an organization. A good plan specifies not only which goals and strategies the organization is committed to but also who is responsible for putting the strategies into action to attain the goals. Henri Fayol said that effective plans should have four qualities: Unity: Means that at any one time only one central, guiding plan is put into operation to achieve an organizational goal. Continuity: Means that planning is an ongoing process in which managers build and refine previous plans and continually modify plans at all levels so that they fit together into one broad framework. Accuracy: Means that managers need to make every attempt to collect and utilize all available information at their disposal in the planning process. Flexibility: Means that plans can be altered and changed if the situation changes. Scenario Planning: One way in which managers can try to create plans that have the four qualities described by Fayol is by utilizing scenario planning (Contingency planning), which is the generation of multiple forecasts of future conditions followed by an analysis of how to respond effectively to each of those conditions. Planning is about trying to forecast and predict the future in order to be able to anticipate future opportunities and threats. Because the future is unpredictable, the only reasonable approach to planning is first to generate scenarios of the future based of different assumptions about conditions that might prevail in the future and then to develop different plans that detail what a company should do in the event that one of these scenarios actually occurs. The great strength of scenario planning is its ability not only to anticipate the challenges of an uncertain future but also to educate managers to think about the future – to think strategically. Determining the Organization’s Mission and Goals: Determining the organization’s mission and goals is the first step of the planning process. Once the mission and goals are agreed upon and formally stated in the corporate plan, they guide the next steps by defining which strategies are appropriate and which are inappropriate. Defining the Business: To determine an organization’s mission, managers must first define its business so that they can identify what kind of value they will provide to customers. To define the business, managers must ask three questions: (1) Who are our customers? (2) What customer needs are being satisfied? (3) How are we satisfying customer needs? Answering these questions helps managers to identify not only the customer needs they are satisfying now but the needs they should try to satisfy in the future and who their true competitors are. All of this information helps managers plan and establish appropriate goals. Establishing Major Goals: Once the business is defined, managers must establish a set of primary goals to which the organization is committed. Developing these goals gives the organization a sense of direction or purpose. In most organizations, articulating major goals is the job of the CEO, although other managers have input into the process. The best statements of organizational goals are ambitious – that is, they stretch the organization and require the managers improve its performance capabilities. Although goals should be challenging, they should also be realistic. Challenging goals give managers an incentive to look for ways to improve an organization’s operation, but a goal that is unrealistic and impossible to attain may prompt managers to give up. The time period in which a goal is expected to be achieved should be stated. Time constraints are important because they emphasize that a goal must be attained within a reasonable period. Formulating Strategy: In strategy formulation managers analyze an organization’s current situation and then develop strategies to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. Strategy formulation begins with managers’ analyzing the factors within an organization and outside, that affect the organization’s ability to meet its goals now and in the future. SWOT analysis and the five forces model are two techniques managers use to analyze these factors. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is a planning exercise in which managers identify organizational Strengths, Weaknesses, environmental Opportunities, and Threats. Based on a SWOT analysis, managers at the different levels of the organization select the corporate-, business-, and functional-level strategies to best position the organization to achieve its mission and goals. The first step in SWOT analysis is to identify an organization’s strengths and weaknesses. The task facing managers is to identify the strengths and weaknesses that characterize the present state of their organization. The second step begins when managers embark on a full-scale SWOT planning exercise to identify potential opportunities and threats in the environment that affect the organization at the present or may affect it in the future. With the SWOT analysis completed, and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats identified, managers can begin the planning process and determine strategies for achieving the organization’s mission and goals. The resulting strategies should enable the organization to attain its goals by taking advantage of opportunities, countering threats, building strengths, and correcting organizational weaknesses. The Five Forces Model: Michel Porter’s five forces model: A well-known model that helps managers isolate particular forces in the external environment that are potential threats. Porter identified these five factors that are major threats because they affect how much profit organizations competing within the same industry can expect to make. 1)The level of rivalry among organizations in an industry: The more that companies compete against one another for customers, the lower is the level of industry profits. 2)The potential for entry into an industry: The easier it is for companies to enter an industry, the more likely it is for industry prices and therefore industry profits to be low. 3)The power of suppliers: If there are only a few suppliers of an important input, then suppliers can drive up the price of that input, and expensive inputs result in lower profits for the producer. 4)The power of customers: If only a few large customers are available to buy an industry’s output, they can bargain to drive down the price of that output. As a result, producers make lower profits. 5)The threat of substitute products: Often, the output of one industry is a substitute for the output of another industry. Companies that produce a product with a known substitute cannot demand high prices for their products, and this constraint keeps their profits low. Porter argued that when managers analyze opportunities and threats they should pay particular attention to these five forces because they are the major threats that an organization will encounter. It is the job of managers at corporate, business, and functional levels to formulate strategies to counter these threats so that an organization can respond to its task and general environments, perform at high level, and generate high profits. Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies: Corporate-level strategy is a plan of action concerning which industries and countries an organization should invest its resources in to achieve its mission and goals. Managers of most organizations have the goal of growing their companies and actively seek out new opportunities to use the organization’s resources to create more goods and services for customers. In addition, some managers must help their organizations respond to threats due to changing forces in the task or general environment. (Ex. Customers may no longer buy some kinds of goods or services, or other companies enter the market and attract away customers). Top managers aim to find the best strategies to help the organization respond to these changes and improve performance. The principal corporate-level strategies that managers use to help a company grow, to keep it on top of its industry, and to help it retrench and reorganize to stop its decline are: Concentration on a Single Business, Diversification, International Expansion and Vertical Integration. An organization benefits from pursuing any one of them only when the strategy helps further increase the value of the organization’s goods and services for customers. To increase the value of goods and services, a corporate-level strategy must help an organization differentiate and add value to its products either by making them unique or special or by lowering the costs of value creation. 1)Concentration on a Single Business: Most organizations begin their growth and development with a corporate-level strategy aimed at concentrating resources in one business or industry in order to develop a strong competitive position within the industry. Sometimes, concentration on a single business becomes an appropriate corporate-level strategy when managers see the need to reduce the size of their organizations to increase performance. Managers may decide to get out of certain industries. Managers may sell off those divisions, lay off workers, and concentrate remaining organizational resources in another market or business to try to improve performance. In contrast, when organizations are performing effectively, they often decide to enter new industries in which they can use their resources to create more value. 2)Diversification: Diversification is the strategy of expanding operations into a new business or industry and producing new goods or services. There are two main kinds of diversification: Related and Unrelated. Related Diversification: Is the strategy of entering a new business or industry to create a competitive advantage in one or more of an organization’s existing divisions or businesses. It can add value to an organization’s products if managers can find ways for its various divisions or business units to share their valuable skills or resources so that synergy is created. Synergy is obtained when the value created by two divisions cooperating is greater than the value that would be created if the two divisions operated separately. In this way, related diversification can be a major source of cost savings. In pursuing related diversification, managers often seek to find new businesses where they can use the existing skills and resources in their departments to create synergies, add value to the new business, and hence improve the competitive position of the company. Unrelated Diversification: Managers pursue unrelated diversification when they enter new industries or buy companies in new industries that are not related in any way to their current business or industries. Main reasons for pursuing unrelated diversification: †¢Buy a poorly performing company, transfers to it their management skills, turn around its business, and increase its performance, all of which creates value. †¢Purchasing businesses in different industries lets managers engage in portfolio strategy, which is apportioning financial resources among divisions to increase financial returns or spread risks among different businesses. Sometimes, too much diversification can cause mangers to lose control on their organization’s core business. Although unrelated diversification might initially create value for a company, mangers sometimes use portfolio strategy to expand the scope of their organization’s business too much. And so, it becomes difficult for top managers to be knowledgeable about all of the organization’s diverse business. Unable to handle so much information, top managers are overwhelmed and eventually make important resource allocation decisions on the basis of only a superficial analysis of the competitive position of each division. This usually results in value being lost rather than created. 3)International Expansion: Corporate-level managers must decide on the appropriate way to compete internationally. If managers decide that their organization should sell the same standardized product in each national market in which it competes, and use the same basic marketing approach, they adopt a Global Strategy. Such companies undertake very little, if any, customization to suit the specific needs of customers in different countries. But if managers decide to customize products and marketing strategies to specific national conditions, they adopt a Multidomestic Strategy. The major advantage of a global strategy is the significant cost savings associated with not having to customize products and marketing approaches to different national conditions. The major disadvantage is that, by ignoring national differences, managers may leave themselves vulnerable to local competitors that do differentiate their products to suit local tastes. The major advantage of a Multidomestic strategy is that by customizing product offerings and marketing approaches to local conditions, managers may be able to gain market share or charge higher prices for their products. The major disadvantage is that customization raises production costs and puts the Multidomestic company at a price disadvantage because it often has to charge prices higher than the prices charged by competitors pursuing a global strategy. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally: A more competitive global environment has proved to be both an opportunity and a threat for organizations and managers. The opportunity is that organizations that expand globally are able to open new markets, reach more customers, and gain access to new sources of raw materials and to low-cost suppliers of inputs. The threat is that organizations are likely to encounter new competitors in the foreign countries they enter and must respond to new political, economic, and cultural conditions. Before setting up foreign operations, managers need to analyze the forces in the environment of a particular country in order to choose the right method to expand and respond to those forces in the most appropriate way. There are four basic ways to operate in the global environment: a)Importing and Exporting: The least complex global operations are exporting and importing. A company engaged in exporting makes products at home and sells them abroad. An organization might sell its own products abroad or allow a local organization in the foreign country to distribute its products. Few risks are associated with exporting because a company does not have to invest in developing manufacturing facilities abroad. A company engaged in importing sells at home products that are made abroad. The internet has made it much easier for companies to inform potential foreign buyers about their products. b)Licensing And Franchising: In licensing, a company allows a foreign organization to take charge of both manufacturing and distributing one or more of its products in the licensee’s country or world region in return for a negotiable fee (Pursued by manufacturing company). The advantage is that the licenser does not have to bear the development costs associated with opening up in a foreign country. The risks associated with this strategy are that the company granting the license has to give its foreign partner access to its technological know-how. In franchising, a company sells to a foreign organization the rights to use its brand name and operating know-how in return for a lump-sum payment and share of the profits. The advantage is that the franchiser does not have to bear the development costs of overseas expansion. The downside is that the organization that grants the franchise may lose control over the way in which the franchise operates and product quality may fall. c)Strategic Alliances: One way to overcome the loss-of-control problems associated with exporting, licensing, and franchising is to expand globally by means of a strategic alliance. In a strategic alliance, managers pool or share their organization’s resources and know-how with those of a foreign company, and the two organizations share the rewards and risks of starting a new venture in a foreign country. A strategic alliance can take the form of a written contract between two or more companies to exchange resources, or it can result in the creation of a new organization. A joint venture is a strategic alliance among two or more companies that agree to jointly establish and share the ownership of a new business. d)Wholly Owned Foreign Subsidiaries: Managers invest in establishing production operations in a foreign country independent of any local direct involvement. Operating alone, without any direct involvement from foreign companies, an organization receives all of the rewards and bears all of the risks associated with operating abroad. This method is much more expensive than the others because it requires a higher level of foreign investment. Advantages: Higher potential returns, reduces the level of risk since managers have full control over all aspects, protect their technology and know-how†¦ 4)Vertical Integration: When an organization is doing well in its business, managers often see new opportunities to create value by either producing their own inputs or distributing their own outputs. Vertical Integration is the corporate-level strategy through which an organization produces its own inputs (backward vertical integration) or distributes and sells its own outputs (forward vertical integration). A major reason why managers pursue vertical integration is that it allows them either to add value to their products by making them special or to lower the costs of value creation. Vertical integration can be a problem when forces in the environment counter the strategies of the organization and make it necessary for managers to reorganize or retrench. Vertical integration can reduce an organization’s flexibility to respond to changing environmental conditions. Formulating Business-Level Strategies: According to Porter, managers must choose between the two basic ways of increasing the value of an organization’s products: Differentiating the product to add value or lowering the costs of value creation. He also argues that managers must choose between serving the whole market or serving just one segment of the market. Based on those choices, managers choose to pursue one of four business-level strategies: 1)Low-Cost Strategy: With a low-cost strategy, managers try to gain a competitive advantage by focusing the energy of all the organization’s departments or functions on driving the organization’s costs down below the costs of its rivals. According to Porter, organizations pursuing a low-cost strategy can sell a product for less than their rivals sell it and yet still make a profit because of their lower costs. Thus, these organizations hope to enjoy competitive advantage based on their low prices. 2)Differentiation Strategy: With a differentiation strategy, managers try to gain a competitive advantage by focusing all the energies of the organization’s departments or functions on distinguishing the organization’s products from those of competitors on one or more important dimensions, such as product design, quality, or after-sales service and support. Often, the process of making products unique and different is expensive. Organizations that successfully pursue a differentiation strategy may be able to charge a premium price for their products, a price usually much higher than the price charged by a low-cost organization. The premium price allows them to recoup their higher cost. 3)Focused Low-Cost Strategy: Managers pursuing a focused low-cost strategy serve one or a few segments of the overall market and aim to make their organization the lowest-cost company serving that segment. 4)Focused-Differentiation Strategy: Managers pursuing a focused differentiated strategy serve just one or a few segments of the market and aim to make their organization the most differentiated company serving that segment. Formulating Functional-Level Strategies: Functional-level strategy is a plan of action to improve the ability of an organization’s functions to create value. It is concerned with the actions that managers of individual functions can take to add value to an organization’s goods and services and thereby increase the value customers receive. The price that customers are prepared to pay for a product indicates how much they value an organization’s products. The more customers value a product, the more they are willing to pay for it. There are two ways in which functions can add value to an organization’s products: 1)Functional managers can lower the costs of creating value so that an organization can attract customers by keeping its prices lower than its competitors’ prices. 2)Functional managers can add value to a product by finding ways to differentiate it from the products of other companies. There must be a fit between functional- and business-level strategies if an organization is to achieve its mission and goal of maximizing the amount of value it gives customers. The better the fit between functional- and business-level strategies, the greater will be the organization’s competitive advantage and its ability to attract customers and the revenue they provide. Each organizational function has an important role to play in the process of lowering costs or adding value to a product. Creating value at the functional level requires the adoption of many state-of-the-art management techniques and practices. All of these techniques can help an organization achieve a competitive advantage by lowering the costs of creating value or by adding value above and beyond that offered by rivals. Planning and Implementing Strategy: After identifying appropriate strategies to attain an organization’s mission and goals, managers confront the challenge of putting those strategies into action. Strategy implementation is a five-step process: 1)Allocating responsibility for implementation to the appropriate individuals or groups. 2)Drafting detailed action plans that specify how a strategy is to be implemented. 3)Establishing a timetable for implementation that includes precise, measurable goals linked to the attainment of the action plan. 4)Allocating appropriate resources to the responsible individuals or groups. 5)Holding specific individuals or groups responsible for the attainment of corporate, divisional, and functional goals. The planning process goes beyond the mere identification of strategies; it also includes actions taken to ensure that the organization actually puts its strategies into action. It should be noted that the plan for implementing a strategy might require radical redesign of the structure of the organization, the development of new control systems, and the adoption of a program for changing the culture of the organization.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide and the Law :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia and the Law A severely handicapped or terminally ill person should have the right to choose to live or die. The right to live; the right to choose to live or die should not only be a right allocated for bodied individuals of sound mind but for all human beings. Euthanasia is a controversial issue which encompasses the morals, values and beliefs of our society. Euthanasia, literally defined means "good death". There are two types of euthanasia, active and passive. Active euthanasia is the intentional killing of a person by medical personnel either by a lethal injection or by denying ordinary means of survival. The act of euthanasia called "passive euthanasia", is committed by denying or withholding ordinary medical care to a patient. Currently, under Canadian law euthanasia is prohibited. In Holland euthanasia has been accepted, in principle for terminally- ill patients, on request. It comes to be seen as practice for those whose "quality of life" is judged by themselves as worthless. Even though euthanasia is not yet legal in Holland, it is legally tolerated. Doctors are rarely prosecuted and even more rarely convicted. If euthanasia were to be decriminalized in Canada certain restrictions would have to be put into place, to ensure that a patient's rights are not infringed upon. A living will should be made when the patient is of lucid mind. Also, a council should be selected and outlined in the living will. The council should be chosen by the patient, when the patient is of sound mind and is able to make decisions. The council might consist of the patient's family, doctor or any other he or she feels have the same view or perception of life. Presently in Canada a living will is not a legally binding document. A living will is a document prepared and sighed in advance of illness, in which a person may specify which treatment or care is to be withheld or withdrawn from him or her in certain situations. It is extremely general, trying to cover a wide range of accidents or illnesses and possible treatments. Living wills are created to protect the individual who is unable to participate in decisions

Thursday, October 24, 2019

First Date

A first date can tell you a lot about a person. Even though i was just in seventh grade my first date was pretty great. Now I know in seventh grade and dating really back then was oh I will see you at school and that is about it. For me my first date was with Ray Hoover. I felt like the coolest girl in school, I had a â€Å"boyfriend†, we wrote notes everyday, got in trouble for hugging in the hallway. It was great I was a cheerleader he was one of the best football players. I thought we were going to be together for ever.When boys and girls traveled together we where always around each other and it is great. He asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with a bunch of people on friday night. Of course I said yes but then I had to ask my mom. After I asked my mom and she had said yes I could go, but first I had to tell her everyone who is going and bring my best friend at the time Mallorie Mclaughin with me. I asked my mom if she would do my hair and I wanted to get a new outfi t and everything. I was so ready for friday to get her I couldn't wait.Ray and I would talk about it everyday till then. The big day was finally her and school couldn't go by any slower. I was going on my first date and that is all I could think about. As soon as I got back from school mom curled my hair and I put on my outfit and was ready to go. I felt like it was ready for forever. Then mom told me it was time to go and I was so nervous I felt like i was going to be sick. We went and picked up Mallorie and then we were off. We arrive at the movies and mom gives me money, I tell her I love her, then got out of the car.I show up and Ray isn't there yet but is on his way. Holly Bradley, Kyle Orick, John Caswell. Kyle told me that Ray was on his way. While we were waiting all us girls went to the bathroom. When we came out of the bathroom Ray was there. He had on khakis, and a polo. Holly wispers in my hear and says he looks really nice. I just smiled. Us girl all decided we wanted t o watch Spanglish and the boys wanted to watch some other movie. Ray was a good guy and besides to go with me to the other movie.Mallorie sat my me and Ray on the other side. It was the dumbest movie I ever saw in my life. To this day It is still the dumbest movie. We held hands during the whole movie and It it was the best first date. The movie was over and lights went on and then Ray lend in and gave me a kiss on the ceeck. I was so happy I couldn't stop from smiling. We walk out of the theater and my moms car is outside. Mallorie says goodbye to everyone, while me and Ray hug goodbye and say we will see each other monday at school and I will call you tomorrow.After that Mallorie and I left to take her home and then head home ourself. As soon as I got home Mallorie called and we talked for an hour about the date. Even though I thought that my first date with Ray would be my last first date. As everyone know you will usually break up with your 7th grade boyfriend and we did break u p. I still think that it was the best first date the any girl could have went on. The only thing that I would change about that date is the movie. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing. It was just perfect.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dream Vacation

I have wanted to go for a vacation for very long. The country for my dream vacation is Australia. Australia is a part of continent, oceanic. It is a big country with many attractions. I am going to share with you, in this essay, what attracts me such that I want to go Australia. There are many physical factors in Australia. One of them is desserts. I would like to go to a desert in Australia as there are many plants and animals at the deserts. I can so experience a bit of desert life and know more about deserts after going to one myself. Another physical factor is the rock formation in Australia that are formed natural. These rock formations make a good place to watch sunrise and sunsets. I am sure we do not want to miss such spectacle as it would be such a pity. Examples of such rock formations are Uluru, otherwise called Ayers Rock, which is a world heritage Site, Kata tjuta, also known as mount olga, and devils marbles. The third physical factor is the ranges,which consists of mountains and hills. The ranges let us see a series of mountains together. Climbing one of the mountain is a good experience for me as I had not tired mountain climbing before. Since they are ranges,there must be nice scenery there too. I would like to go there to see the beautiful scenery. Examples are Brindabella ranges, visible to the west of Canberra, and Flinders Ranges, the largest mountain range in South Australia. The fourth physical factor is the reefs in Australia. The most well known reef in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef, Australia’s greatest gift from nature. It consists of a lot of marine life and consists of over 3000 individual reef system. I would not miss this chance to see the world’s largest reef if I were to go on a vacation to Australia. The fifth physical factor,which is the last, is the rivers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Examining Hamas And Its History Religion Essays

Examining Hamas And Its History Religion Essays Examining Hamas And Its History Religion Essay Examining Hamas And Its History Religion Essay With the events of September 11, sorting and understanding the menaces that different organisations or groups station to the United States of America and its Alliess is really of import. One such group is Hamas. To better understand Hamas we must take a closer expression at it history, strength, locations, and associations. In making so we will be able to forestall onslaughts and prevent any support from our state to come in in the manus of Hamas and it protagonists. We will besides be able to decrease the menace that America and its Alliess face. It would besides salvage many lives on the conflict field if we are able to cut off the support and that will forestall Hamas from being able to be after onslaughts that will take the lives of civilians every bit good as soldiers. Hamas or Harakat al-MuqA?wama al-IslA?miyya or Muslim Resistance Movement is an organisation with a socio-political wing and a paramilitary force. The acronym Hamas foremost appeared in 1987 in a cusp that accused the Israeli intelligence services of sabotaging the moral fibre of Palestinian young person as portion of Mossad s enlisting of what Hamas termed confederates . hypertext transfer protocol: // The word Hamas corresponds to an Arabic word, intending enthusiasm, fire, ardour, ardor, ardor and fanatism. hypertext transfer protocol: // Hamas was founded in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin as a response to Egypt s Muslim Brotherhood, supported by Brotherhood-affiliated charities and societal establishments that had gained a strong bridgehead in the occupied districts. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas s military subdivision, was created in 1992. While the Brigades are an of import portion of Hamas, they operate independently and sometimes contrary to Hamas s policy. It was during the 1990s and 2000s that the organisation conducted legion suicide bombardments and other onslaughts directed against civilians, including the 2002 Passover self-destruction bombardment. While these onslaughts were against the Oslo agreements which were signed by Yasir Arafat, Yasir Arafat still approved these onslaughts and refused to demilitarize Hamas. This act leads to Palestinian Authority following suit and non making anything to halt the Hamas pattern of aiming and killing guiltless civilians. hypertext transfer protocol: // Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin the laminitis of Hamas and the religious leader of the organisation was born in al-jura a little small town near the metropolis of Ashkelon. Yassin and his full household fled to Gaza, settling in al-Shati Camp after his small town was captured by the Israel Defence Forces during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. hypertext transfer protocol: // Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin came to Gaza as a refugee. At the age of 12 Yassin was injured while wrestling his friend Abdullah al-Khatib. Yassin cervix was kept in plaster for 45 yearss and when it was removed, it was clear that Yassin would populate the remainder of his life as a quadriplegic. Yassin damaged his spinal cord go forthing him in terrible palsy to much of his organic structure, go forthing him incapable of walking or even keeping objects. Yassin believing this would do a rift between his household and al-Khatib s, Yassin told his household that he was injured while playing leapfrog during a athleticss lesson with his school friends on the beach. hypertext transfer protocol: // Yassin applied and attended al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, but he was unable to prosecute his surveies at that place due to his deteriorating wellness. He was forced to be educated at place where he read widely, peculiarly on philosophical affairs and on faith, political relations, sociology, and economic sciences. His followings believe that his worldly cognition made him one of the best talkers in the Gaza Strip. During this clip, he began presenting hebdomadal discourses after Friday supplications, pulling big crowds of people. hypertext transfer protocol: // After old ages of unemployment, he got a station as an Arabic linguistic communication instructor at an simple school in Rimal, Gaza. His learning methods reportedly caused assorted reactions among parents because he encouraged his pupils to go to the mosque an extra two times a hebdomad. Yassin occupation gave him stableness and he married one of his relations, Halima Yassin, in 1960 at the age of 22. hypertext transfer protocol: // During the Israel-Palestinian struggle Yassin became involved with a Palestinian subdivision of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 1984, he and others were jailed for in secret carrying arms, but in 1985 he was released as portion of the Jibril Agreement. The Jibril understanding was a captive exchange understanding that took topographic point on may 21 1985 between the Israeli authorities, headed by Shimon Peres, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command. It is during this exchange that Israel released 1,150 captives in exchange for three Israeli captives. In 1987, during the First Intifada, Yassin co-founded Hamas with Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, originally naming it the Palestinian Wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, and became its religious leader. hypertext transfer protocol: // The First Intifada was a Palestinian rebellion against Israeli business in the Palestinian Territories. The uprising began in the Jabalia refugee cantonment and rapidly distribute throughout Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. hypertext transfer protocol: // The Palestinian actions included nonviolent civil noncompliance and opposition motion in add-on to violent actions. In add-on to general work stoppages there was a boycott on Israeli merchandises, and a refusal to pay revenue enhancements. The young person demonstrators threw rock at the Israel Defense Forces. The force was directed at both Israeli soldiers and civilians. hypertext transfer protocol: // Yassin opposed the peace procedure between the Palestinians and the Israelis. He supported armed opposition against Israel, and was really vocal in his positions. He asserted that Palestine is an Islamic land consecrated for future Muslim coevalss until Judgment Day and that no Arab leader had the right to give up any portion of this district. On one juncture, he opined that Israel must vanish from the map . Yassin s declaration that We chose this route, and will stop with martyrdom or triumph hypertext transfer protocol: // subsequently became an oft repeated mantra among Palestinians. In 1989, Yassin was arrested by the Israelis and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1997 Yassin was released from Israeli prison as portion of an agreement with Jordan. Yassin was released by Israel on the status that he refrains from go oning to name for suicide bombardments against Israel. hypertext transfer protocol: // After his release, Yassin resumed his leading of Hamas. He rapidly resumed his calls for onslaughts on Israel ; his tactics included suicide bombardments, which violated the status of his release. hypertext transfer protocol: // The Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin was killed in an Israeli onslaught on March 22, 2004. He was killed while he was being wheeled out of an early forenoon supplication session, an Israeli AH-64 Apache chopper gunship fired Hellfire missiles at Yassin and both of his escorts. They were killed immediately, along with nine bystanders. Another 12 people were injured in the onslaught, including two of Yassin s boies. hypertext transfer protocol: // Knowing the history of Hamas will give a better apprehension of the ends and why so many people would back up and fall in Hamas. The end of Hamas is to set uping an Islamic Palestinian province in topographic point of Israel. Hamas combines Palestinian patriotism with Islamic fundamentalism. Hamas charter commits the group to the devastation of Israel and the replacing of the PA with an Islamist province on the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas besides believes in raising the streamer of Allah over every inch of Palestine. We can see from the start of Hamas that they will make whatever it takes to accomplish that end. hypertext transfer protocol: // The strength of Hamas is concentrated in the Gaza Strip and other country of the West Bank. Other countries of Hamas strength can be seen in what they believe in. To make this we must take a expression at Hamas establishing papers. hypertext transfer protocol: // The Hamas charter was issued on August 18, 1988. The full name of the charter is The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement. The compact contains 36 articles that define the ideology footing of the organisation and its relationship to the PLO and more on it ends. Bellows are merely some particular from the compact. Article 1 describes the Movement s plan as Islam . Article 2 of Hamas Charter defines Hamas as a cosmopolitan motion and one of the subdivisions of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine . Article 3 the Movement consists of Moslems who have given their commitment to Allah . Article 5 Demonstrates it Salifist roots and connexions to the Muslim brotherhood. Article 6 Hamas is unambiguously Palestinian, and strives to raise the streamer of Allah over every inch of Palestine Article 7 describes Hamas as one of the links in the concatenation of the battle against the Zionist encroachers and links the motion to the followings of the spiritual and nationalist hero Izz ad-Din al-Qassam. Article 8 The Hamas papers reiterates the Muslim Brotherhood s motto of Allah is its end, the Prophet is the theoretical account, the Quran its fundamental law, jihad its way, and decease for the interest of Allah its most empyreal belief. Article 9 adapts Muslim Brotherhood s vision to link the Palestinian crisis with the Islamic solution and advocates contending against the false, get the better ofing it and beating it so that justness could predominate . Article 11 Palestine is sacred ( waqf ) for all Muslims for all clip, and it can non be relinquished by anyone. Article 12 affirms that Nationalism, from the point of position of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is portion of the spiritual credo. Article 13 There is no negotiated colony possible. Jihad is the lone reply. Article 14 The release of Palestine is the personal responsibility of every Palestinian. Article 15 The Palestinian job is an Arab-Islamic cause, and Hamas deplore the PLO s secular patriotism as a going from the Arab and Muslim universes. Article 20 Calls for action by the people as a individual organic structure against a barbarous enemy which acts in a manner similar to Nazism, doing no distinction between adult male and adult female, between kids and old people . Article 22 Makes sweeping claims about Judaic influence and power reminiscent of the ill-famed Czarist counterfeit Protocols of the Elders of Sion Article 28 Conspiracy indictment against Israel, Judaism and Jews .Article 32 Hamas condemns as co-plotters the imperialistic powers . References The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. hypertext transfer protocol: // The sum of hardcore member in Hamas is unknown, but understanding the beliefs of Hamas will assist to understand why many people would fall in and offer support. The country in which Hamas operates is Israel and Jordan. Many of the support that Hamas acquire comes from Palestinian exiles, Iran, and private helpers in Saudi Arabia and other moderate Arab provinces. There besides fund-raising and propaganda activity take topographic point in Western Europe and North America. hypertext transfer protocol: // It is estimated Hamas s one-year budget is around $ 70 million. The largest angel of Hamas is Saudi Arabia, with over 50 % of its financess coming from that state, chiefly through Islamic charity organisations and another estimated $ 50 million one-year budget, largely supplied by private charitable associations but with $ 12 million supplied straight by Gulf States, chiefly Saudi Arabia, and another $ 3 million from Iran. The support by Saudi Arabia continues despite Saudi pledges to halt support groups such as Hamas that have used force. The US State Department believes that Hamas is funded by Iran, Palestinian expatriates, and private helpers in Saudi Arabia and other Arab provinces. However, on the BBC Today Program senior British diplomat and former Ambassador to the UN Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in an interview Hamas is non politically tied to Iran. hypertext transfer protocol: // Muslims charities in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe funnel money into Hamas backed societal service groups. In December 2001, the Bush disposal seized the assets of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Muslim charity in the United States, on intuitions it was funding Hamas. hypertext transfer protocol: // The largest angel of Hamas is Saudi Arabia, with over 50 % of its financess coming from that state, chiefly through Islamic charity organisations and another estimated $ 50 million one-year budget, largely supplied by private charitable associations but with $ 12 million supplied straight by Gulf States, chiefly Saudi Arabia, and another $ 3 million from Iran. The support by Saudi Arabia continues despite Saudi pledges to halt support groups such as Hamas that have used force. The US State Department believes that Hamas is funded by Iran, Palestinian expatriates, and private helpers in Saudi Arabia and other Arab provinces. However, on the BBC Today Program senior British diplomat and former Ambassador to the UN Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in an interview Hamas is non politically tied to Iran. hypertext transfer protocol: // Hamas s military wing known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades is believed to hold more than one thousand active members and 1000s of protagonists and sympathisers. It is estimated that on March 22, 2004, more than two 100 thousand Palestinians marched in Yassin s funeral. Then on April 18, 2004, a similar figure publically mourned the decease of Rantisi. hypertext transfer protocol: // By understanding Hamas America will be more capable of protecting itself and its Alliess. This is something that must be taken earnestly and with uninterrupted survey can diminish the menaces and causality America faces. Work Cited hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //

Monday, October 21, 2019

Should a moment of silence be legal in public sc Essays - Prayer

Should a moment of silence be legal in public sc Essays - Prayer Should a "moment of silence" be legal in public schools? In 1962 the Supreme Court decided that public schools did not have the power to authorize school prayer. This decision made public school in the U.S. more atheistic than many European nations. For example, crosses still hang on the classroom walls in Poland, and the Ten Commandments are displayed in Hungary. There are prayers held at the beginning of legislative and judicial sessions and every President has mentioned a divine power in his inaugural speech. In keeping with a spirit of religious freedom as stated in the First Amendment, there is no reason why students should not be allowed to have a moment of silence during the school day when they can pray or do as they choose. The case Engel v. Vitale in 1962 decided that school prayer is unconstitutional. With this case, it was pointed out that the students were to "voluntarily" recite the following prayer: "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country." The court ruled that this rule was unconstitutional according to the First Amendment's "establishment clause," which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In response to the Engel v.Vitale case some schools adopted a "moment of silence." In 1963, another case was brought before the court dealing with school prayer, Abington School District v. Schempp. The Schempp family challenged a law in Pennsylvania requiring the students to say ten verses of the Bible before school. These readings from the Bible were declared unconstitutional. Members of the board felt reading the Bible would give the children more moral values. The Schempp family strongly disagreed. Members of Congress attempted to find a compromise. From this effort came the adoption of the moment of silence, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment's "Free Exercise" clause. Six states now permit silent moments Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. Silent prayer was ruled constitutional in 1985 as long as it had no religious intent or purpose. (Newsweek, October 3, 1994) Prayer has been banned in schools for thirty-three years. The moment of silence has been ruled constitutional, however. Every student fills a moment of silence in a different way: through song, a prayer, or a memory. Newsweek, October 3, 1994, vol. 124. U.S. News and World Report, December 5, 1995 Vol. 117, No. 22, pg. 8-9. The Case of Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 1962, p. 118-119. Abington School District v. Schempp 374 U.S. 203; 83 S. Ct. 1560; 10 L. Ed. 2d 844 1963, pg. 529-530.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors

15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors 15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors As enjoyable and fulfilling as writing can be, the truth is that it’s often a solitary endeavor. While we might romanticize the focused artist typing away while imaginary worlds and narratives swirl inside their minds - authors know the truth: writing can get lonely. And moreover, when you’re working on a one-person project, it can be hard to remain motivated and accountable. That’s where writing communities come in.Writing communities are the perfect place to find answers to your writing questions and to discuss the ins and outs of the writing life with people who actually understand what you’re talking about.So, if you are tired of listening only to the voices in your head, take a look at our (non-exhaustive) list of top online writing communities. Which is the best writing community for you? Find out here! Top online writing communities1. Absolute Write Water CoolerWith over 68,000 members, this is a large and highly active community. Here you can find threads on every genre imaginable, as well as discussions about freelance writing, the publishing industry, pop culture, writing prompts and exercises, and much more.Perfect for: writers who are looking for a large and active community.2. AgentQuery ConnectWhile this forum will come in handy for any writer, it’s especially helpful for authors who have already completed their manuscript and are wondering what to do next. The site boasts a wealth of information on publishing topics such as querying agents, self-publishing tips, and book promotion advice.Perfect for: writers who are looking to connect with agents and learn more about the publishing industry.3. Camp NaNoWriMoIf you’ve ever wanted to go to a writer’s retreat but can’t afford it just yet, then this site might help scratch your itch. Holding online à ¢â‚¬Å"camp sessions† in April and July, Camp NaNoWriMo offers a digital space to encourage and empower writers at any point of their career. Here you can work on drafts, revisions, short stories, or any other writing project that involves word-count goals.Perfect for: writers who can’t wait until November to crack their writing goals.Do you belong to a writing community? Which one is your favorite one? Add yours in the comments below!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critical review on an article Literature Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical on an article - Literature review Example As such, the policy document by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2011, p. 7) has proposed the following reforms: â€Å"raising the required quality and quantity of capital in the banking system, improving risk coverage, introducing a leverage ratio to serve as a backstop to the risk-based regime, introducing capital conservation and countercyclical buffers as well as a global standard for liquidity risk.† These reforms are meant to improve the resilience of the banking sector during such trying times that are characterised by unprecedented changes in the global economy. It has been noted that international banks are often affected by externalities in their operations of which they have little control over them. For instance, G-SIBs in different countries had little control over the impacts of the recent global financial crisis that witnessed the closure of some financial institution which could not sustain their operations. Main objective of the policy proposal The main objective of the policy proposal suggested by the Basel Committee (2011, p. ... Therefore, in order for these policy frameworks to be effective, they should be developed from a global standpoint where different countries contribute towards the policy formulation which will guide the operations of all international financial institutions. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) in consultation with different nations will help implement these policy changes which will be applied on a global level. Indicator-based measurement approach The indicator based measurement approach has been recommended by the Basel Committee and this method is based on various indicators that have been carefully chosen to identify the factors that often generate negative externalities that can affect on the global financial institutions in cases of global financial crisis which require a global solution rather than a national solution. Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used to complement each other in carrying out this measurement. The main advantage of this strategy is that i t involves many dimensions of systemic importance which include the following: size, cross-jurisdictional activity, interconnectedness, substitutability and complexity. Size- the element of size of a banking institution is very important given that if it is a large institution, its failure is likely to impact negatively on the global economy. Cross-jurisdictional activity- the activities of the bank in other countries can impact negatively on their economies in the event of failure or distress. Therefore, this indicator need to be established while there is still time so that it does not spill over to the economies of the other countries and the globe at large. Interconnectedness- the level of interconnectedness of the G-SIBs means that they can share the spoils in the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Psychology ; BEHAVIOR EXPLANATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychology ; BEHAVIOR EXPLANATIONS - Essay Example imed at the other spouse, however the interjection of myself or anyone else into the conversation (or even trying to speak with one parent immediately after the conversation) means that anger will refocus itself on whomever is speaking. The anger in the second case is non-specific and merely generalized so that nothing can be said or done without a negative comment on the part of the angry parent. There are five different basic research methods in psychology which are used to identify different behaviors and understand them better: case studies, naturalistic observation, correlational research, survey research and experimental methods. Case studies focus on specific cases, for example one person or one family; naturalistic observation relies on the direct observation of subjects in their natural surroundings and dealing with their normal stimuli; survey research is gathered through the completion of carefully crafted questionnaires that are distributed according to the research questions; and experimental methods will vary according to the research questions and possible subject candidates (Davis and Palladino -). Observing the natural way this behavior is cultivated is most helpful in understanding where it originates and how it might be changed. Naturalistic observation can help dissect parental anger over money because unlike any of the other basic research methods it offers a view directly into the repeating situation. It is, in fact, the natural situation itself that results in anger; Naturalistic observation is key to understanding this particular instance of anger because it is only with specific stimuli that this behavior is displayed. As the habit of opening the mail and sorting the bills is replayed over and over, the original anger and regret over not having the money to pay every bill resurfaces. Another factor is the behavior of overspending before it is time to pay bills; only by watching this situation can it be fully understood since no

Why we crave horror movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why we crave horror movies - Essay Example Casey is a young girl alone in the house. She receives a call which she thinks of as a prank call. She flirts a little when the caller has already sneaked into her house. Wearing a white mask, the killer chases her and then stabs her to death when her parents are just entering the house. Following this is a series of other killings and finally the killers get caught while trying to kill a girl who is the girlfriend of one of the two killers. Since that was the first horror movie I ever saw, it had a bad effect on me. Although I felt sick at the scene when Casey was stabbed to death, still I wanted to watch more. I was scared and I did not prefer to watch the movie alone with lights turned off. I do not understand this feeling even today, that is, how could I enjoy such a movie which was making me so frightened that I could not sleep for a couple of nights. This is what surprises me about human nature. Although I did not want the killers to reach out on Casey and kill her, still I was enjoying her being made fool of through the prank call. Also, although I did not want to see Casey die, still I watched the full scene when she was being stabbed and her dead body being pulled leaving blood marks on the floor. Although I often had my hand on my eyes out of fright, still I did not fast forward the movie.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Public Perception of Race and Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Perception of Race and Crime - Assignment Example Furthermore, the research design incorporated the use of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI). This method was effective in the random assignment of questions to the respondent. Consequently, it eliminated potential response biased information. The authors further employed a regression analysis of the responses. This was essential in determining the degree of stereotypes in relation perception on crime and policy formulation. Other research designs that could have been incorporated would have been facing to face interviews with the white and black respondents. This would have helped to clearly capture their personal attitudes on racial decisions pertaining to crime and policy formulation. Â  The research had sought to prove that the racial stereotypes applied to African-Americans influenced public opinion, especially of the majority whites’, on issues of crime policy formulation. To this end, the research employed the use of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews to collect data. Consequently, the research findings clearly revealed that the racial stereotyping of the African Americans by whites’ played a strong role in influencing public perception of crime and punishment. In particular, whenever the crimes were violent and committed by African American. Moreover, when punitive policies are being formulated, the racial stereotypes attached to the blacks played a major in determining the severity of the punishment. Moreover, the racial stereotypes in formulating criminal policy are also fuelled by the political sentiments pertaining to the crime. Â  To this end, several implications can be drawn from these results. Foremost, the political and social environment is still pervaded by racism towards the African American population. This is evident in the formulation of criminal policies that are more punitive to the blacks in comparison to the white population.

Point of Sale System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Point of Sale System - Research Paper Example The United States and other countries which have a lot of international activities thus receive many visitors from the world over have the highest number of sale transactions. As a result of the increased usage of point of sale system in almost every retail store, fraudsters have come up with technologies to skim customer cards, produce replica cards and defraud users of their money. This has forced major car producing and regulating companies Visa and MasterCard to move from magnetic strip cards to EM which is more secure as it requires the use of a pin code and has a chip. Compared to other countries such as the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, the UK and other parts of the world card fraud in USA has been significantly low. But as this other markets migrate to EMV their fraud rates have seen tremendous reduction while the United States’ have been going upwards due delays in migration from magnetic strip. The American card market heavily relies on the magnetic strip cards and this could behind the rising fraud rates; fraud has risen by 70% since the year 2004 with 2010 representing the first year in time when fraud rates on cards issued in the United States was higher compared to cards issued in the UK (King, 2012). In conclusion therefore the use of point of sale systems has become popular the America and the whole world. Fraud has evolved and targeted plastic money necessitating the change of technology to EMV. The United States has been slow in moving to EMV due to high presence of signature verification cards and mag strips. Migrating from magnetic strip cards will therefore be a huge milestone in curbing card counterfeiting in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Public Perception of Race and Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Perception of Race and Crime - Assignment Example Furthermore, the research design incorporated the use of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI). This method was effective in the random assignment of questions to the respondent. Consequently, it eliminated potential response biased information. The authors further employed a regression analysis of the responses. This was essential in determining the degree of stereotypes in relation perception on crime and policy formulation. Other research designs that could have been incorporated would have been facing to face interviews with the white and black respondents. This would have helped to clearly capture their personal attitudes on racial decisions pertaining to crime and policy formulation. Â  The research had sought to prove that the racial stereotypes applied to African-Americans influenced public opinion, especially of the majority whites’, on issues of crime policy formulation. To this end, the research employed the use of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews to collect data. Consequently, the research findings clearly revealed that the racial stereotyping of the African Americans by whites’ played a strong role in influencing public perception of crime and punishment. In particular, whenever the crimes were violent and committed by African American. Moreover, when punitive policies are being formulated, the racial stereotypes attached to the blacks played a major in determining the severity of the punishment. Moreover, the racial stereotypes in formulating criminal policy are also fuelled by the political sentiments pertaining to the crime. Â  To this end, several implications can be drawn from these results. Foremost, the political and social environment is still pervaded by racism towards the African American population. This is evident in the formulation of criminal policies that are more punitive to the blacks in comparison to the white population.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Labor Relations Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Relations Project - Essay Example Unions are an essential part of the labor process. Union members are protected by strict laws that guard their legal rights for the salary, benefits and compensations. Another opportunity is to organize collective bargaining. It is the negotiation between an employer and a group of employees, determining the conditions of employment. The collective bargaining ends in a collective agreement or contract, in which the employees are represented as the members of a union or a labor organization. Since the agreement is achieved, its maintenance is observed by federal and state laws, judicial decisions and organizational agency regulation. The major law governing collective bargain is the National Labor Relations Act, originally enacted by Congress in 1935. Employees working under collective bargaining agreements are also covered and protected by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, even if they are not union members. These acts guarantee legislative support to the emp loyees. In accordance with the NRLA a labor organization is selected to represent a unit of employees in collective bargaining. The employer has no right to interfere with this selection. The employer must bargain with the selected representative of the unit. There are certain employment laws as to the minimum salary, obligatory benefits and compensation to the employees in private sector. These are the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Family and Medical Leave Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and some others. Being a member of a union or collective bargain, you are also entitled to all the protection against discharge (Cuomo 2007). Any proposals violating these laws cannot be included into the collective bargain. Moreover, in case the employee does not keep to the contract, the NLRA grants the members of a union or a collective

Monday, October 14, 2019

Developmental psychology Essay Example for Free

Developmental psychology Essay Within the characteristics of effective learning there are seven areas of learning and development made up of three prime areas and four specific areas. The areas describe what children learn through play and exploration, active learning and creating and by thinking critically. Prime areas If a child is not secure in the prime areas between the ages of 3 and 5 years, the absence of these may make other areas of their learning more difficult to achieve. This makes the prime and specific areas so interdependent. The prime areas occur in all cultures and communities and are not dependent on the specific areas. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making relationships Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self-care Specific areas – These are less time-sensitive. The specific areas reflect what children have understood and their cultural knowledges which can develop during various stages through life. The specific areas of learning will not take place easily without the prime areas. Literacy Reading Writing Mathematics Numbers Shape, space and measure Understanding the World People and communities The world Technology Expressive Arts and Design Exploring using media and materials Being imaginative The documented expected outcomes are the early learning goals within the EYFS. The early learning goals are the 17 learning and development requirements covered in the characteristics of effective learning – the three prime and the four specific areas. The early learning goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young child should have gained by the end of their reception year. However, not all children will reach the early learning goals by this stage and as all children are unique, their learning will be supported by practitioners to help them progress at their pace. The Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage document provides, in detail, guidance for observing what children are learning. It also provides examples of what early years practitioners can do to enable environments and support positive relationships across all of each area. The documented outcomes are assessed and recorded in a variety of ways and come together to help finalise the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile which is completed at the end of a childs reception year. Leading up to this point, the development of children will have been observed and their progress tracked. Some of the methods used to record progression towards the early learning goals are: Daily observations when children are in session – At nursery all staff observe all children, not just their keychildren. The  observations are linked to the EYFS and recorded in the children’s folders 2 year check – this consists of a short written summary of a childs development when they are between 24 and 36 months Learning and Development Summary – observations are used to complete this document on a termly basis for each child. These are shared at parent consultation appointments. Contributions from parents – very useful as parents information is essential and helps support early learning in the home environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay On Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting Essay

Essay On Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting Essay The term stakeholders means a party that can effect or be effected by the actions of the business as a whole and they are the group of members without whose support the organisation cannot exist or they are the interested parties who is keen to know what the business is doing. In this situation the stakeholder is Steve Morgan who is the controller of the Newton Industries and is interested in production cost reports. What are the ethical issues involved in this situation? Steve Morgan is involved in the ethical issue as he did not inform the management that the advertising cost is expensed in the current period the net income wouldnt be overstated and this would help the financial managers to make decisions and maintain effective control over resources. What would you do if you were Steve Morgan ? Managerial Accounting or management accounting is a set of practices and techniques aimed at the providing managers with financial information to help them make decisions and maintain effective control over corporate resources. So, if I was in Steve Morgans position I would had recorded the advertising cost as expense in the current period , so as to not to overstate net income. BYP 3-6 Who are the potential stakeholders involved in this situation? The term stakeholders means a party that can effect or be effected by the actions of the business as a whole and they are the group of members without whose support the organisation cannot exist or they are the interested parties who is keen to know what the business is doing. In this case the potential stakeholders are Jan Wooten who is department head in the Moulding Dept. And Tony Ferneti who is quality control inspector of moulding department and are interested in saving the companys money. What alternatives does Tony have in this situation? What might the company do to prevent this situation from occurring? Tony has two alternatives in this situation, first alternative is that pass through the inspection and on to the Assembly Department all the units that had defects non-detectable to the human eye. The second alternative is that Tony can reject all the units that had defects. The company can lower the wages of the employees so that the employees will be extra vigilant and will be careful. Also the company could use the extra money after lowering the wages in providing the employees a better training and could avoid such situation in the future. Part B: Essay on corporate social responsibility CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in business is related to the obligation of companies and other business organizations to increase their positive influence and reduce their negative activity toward society. In that sense, while ethics is a matter for each individual in the business field, social responsibility is related to the influence of an organizations business decisions on society. One of the most significant principles on which modern business is based is that of an organization based on responsibility. Organizations must take responsibility for their role in society. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming an increasingly important activity to businesses nationally and internationally. As globalization accelerates and large corporations serve as global providers, these corporations have progressively recognised the benefits of providing CSR programs in their various locations. CSR activities are now being undertaken throughout the globe. The rationale for CSR has been articulated in a number of ways. In essence it is about building sustainable businesses, which need healthy economies, markets and communities.(megatrend) The key drivers for CSR are: Enlightened self-interest creating a synergy of ethics, a cohesive society and a Sustainable global economy where markets, labour and communities are able function well together. Social investment contributing to physical infrastructure and social capital is increasingly seen as a necessary part of doing business. Transparency and trust business has low ratings of trust in public perception. There is increasing expectation that companies will be more open, more accountable and be prepared to report publicly on their performance in social and environmental. Increased public expectations of business globally companies are expected to-do more than merely provide jobs and contribute to the economy through taxes and employment. The concept of corporate social responsibility has been standardized and today represents an integral part of integrated management systems. The principles connected with existing definitions of corporate social responsibility consist of the following: taking part in community life, accountability, sustainability, transparency, ethical behaviour (without corruption), honesty and inclusion. Socially responsible companies adhere to the triple result approach, keeping in mind the social, economic and environmental influence of their business operations. (Weygand, kimmel kieso. 6th Ed, p 21) Framework of CSR CSR is important, as its a starting point towards building CSR into management control systems. The different phases are also named steps. This is done because the framework works as a continuum where different steps follow one another and a step cannot be skipped when heading to a system working in day-to-day work and helping to reach set goals. In step three the management control system is shaped and it represent the processes, systems and tools by which the management guides the organizations and its employees behaviour to fulfil the set strategy and targets. To facilitate management actions management should get proper reporting of the step three. After attaining CSR outcomes these outcomes can be reported to the stakeholders via CSR reporting. The steps will be used to analyze the empirical results of the study. The stage of alignment of CSR into management control systems in the case companies will be analyzed according to this framework. In this internal control the role of a ccounting plays a very important concept. Corporate social responsibility and important of accounting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ CSR is the process by which managers within an organization think about and discuss relationships with stakeholders as well as their roles in relation to the common good, along with their behavioural disposition with respect to the fulfilment and achievement of these roles and relationships Several concepts related to CSR, which apply to the accounting areas: Environmental Management Accounting, Social Environmental Accounting and Environmental Reporting or Social Responsibility Accounting. These concepts link CSR to the accounting system, arguing for the importance of such aspects in the work of accountants. Very well informed businesses and non-profit organizations environment seems aware of the importance of good CSR practices. CSR developed a portal presenting and advertising very well the experience of CSR and international organizations in this area. Such companies in our country have initiated several projects and initiatives. CSR-related concepts influence significantly the accountancy profession for example, Environmental Management Accounting is the management of environmental and economic performance via management accounting systems and practices that focus on both physical information on the flow of energy, water, materials, and wastes, as well as monetary information on related costs, earnings and savings. ( Managerial accounting is reflected by both physical information on the use, flows and destinies of energy, water and materials, and monetary information on environment-related costs, earnings and savings sides. It has such application fields as: assessment of annual environmental costs/expenditure, product pricing, budgeting, investment appraisal, calculating costs, savings and benefits of environmental systems, environmental performance evaluation, indicators and benchmarking, external disclosure on environmental expenditures, investments and liabilities. As this shows, and we will further develop, it is then imperative that all parties involved in the accounting domain consider fostering such competencies in accountants, for the overall good of the society. Managerial Accountability is an international standard for social responsibility, created by Council on Economic Priority Accreditation Agency with the goal of securing an ethical source of products and services. This standard is of a voluntary character and can be applied to any company, regardless of size and branch of operations. Also, the standard can either replace or be a supplement to companies or industries with a specific code of social responsibility.(amfiteatur.economic) Part C: Essay on budgeting Budget: Is a formal written statement of managements plan for a specified future time period, expressed in financial terms. It represents the primary method of communicating agreed-upon objectives throughout the organization. Once adopted, a budget becomes an important basis for evaluating performance. It promotes efficiency and serves as a deterrent to waste and inefficiency. (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 6th Ed, p 384) Some employees will question the need for a budget. The procedure of budget preparation is at times seen as difficult, and it is not constantly clear how the attempt that is required leads to any fruitful production. Furthermore, budgets can be seen as imposing constraint that is hard to live with and establish goals that are difficult to meet. Despite these dismal remarks, it is very important that organizations carefully plan their financial affairs to attain financial achievement. These plans are normally expressed as budgets. A budget is detailed financial plans that quantify future expectations and actions relative to acquiring and using resources. (Principles of Accounting) In small organization, formal budgets are an unusual object. The individual management/owners likely manage only by reference to a common mental budget. The person has a good sense of estimated sales, costs, financing, and asset needs. Each operation is under direct oversight of this person and confidently she or he has the capacity to keep things on a logical course. When things dont go well, the management/owners can normally take up the slack by not taking a pay check or engage in some other form of financial requirement. Of course, much small business eventually is unsuccessful anyway. Explanation for unsuccessful are several and varied, but are often pinned on undercapitalization or insufficient resources to sustain operations. Many of these post-mortem assessments reflect a failure to adequately plan! Even in a small company, a reliable business budget/plan can often result in anticipate and avoiding terrible outcomes. Medium and big organization consistently relies on budgets. This is likewise true in business, government, and non-profit organization. The budget provides a formal quantitative phrase of opportunity. It is an essential aspect of the planning and control process. Without a budget, an business will be highly unproductive and ineffective. (Principles of Accounting) Advantages of Detailed Budgeting: There are several advantages of detailed budgeting for business which are. First of all creating a budget is a long term perspective so it enables to think in a long term and moves away from making short term goals. It also allows thinking long term financial position and profitability of a business no matter if the planned budget doesnt successes. (Accounting Tools) Making a detailed business budget allows to pin point where the company generates it most of the revenue as in many cases it is easy that the management looses the most profitable aspect. It forces management to consider to whether it should let go non productive part of business and which new one to invest in. (Accounting Tools) Budgeting allows business to think what the key purpose of the business is and to forecast environmental factors that may affect the performance of the business. This forecasting enables to develop strategy to overcome different environmental pressure. (Accounting Tools) A detailed budgeting allows business to look forward what future cash flows will be required for the expansion of the business and from where to generate funds in order to meet the future growth needs. (Beyond) Formulating a budget also allows you to evaluate the performance of the business. Where the business is now and where to be and how to get there. It provides step by step information which is helpful in reaching where the business wants to be. Without budget it is very difficult to evaluate the current performance of business. It measures the planned performance with actual which gives a complete and true picture of the business. (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 6th Ed, p 385) Budgeting enables managers to decide where to allocate funds as cash are always limited. Whether to invest in fixed assets to increase production for matching future demands or to invest in working capital. It also enables business to decide which asset is worth investing. (Beyond) A realistic established budget enhances the probability that the business will successes because it contains all the essentials and targets that have to be accomplished and also enables the business owner to according to the planned activities. (Accounting Tools) In addition detailed budgeting also helps to formulate different department goals and different functional goals. The functionality of all the departments are necessary to run the business mechanism. Basically budget creates a harmony among the entire department prevailing in a particular business. (Principles of Accounting) A budget is not only useful for owner or managers of business but it is also useful for the investors. Budgets helps investors to check if the business have enough potential and if the business if worth investing. Investors see the budget to find out what are the goals of business and investing in that particular business will maximize the probability of better return in terms of interest. (Accounting Tools) Budgets are not just useful in comparing your own performance with the planned one but it is also useful in comparing the performance of your business with the overall industry, like what are the labor rate prevailing in the market, what price to charge from customer, what volume to sell in order to get maximum revenue. (Accounting Tools) Conclusion: A strong budgeting system serves as an effective planning and control tool that allows a business to plan its short term and long term strategy towards achievement of its short term and long term goals, by: Setting up targets for individual departments of the Company, Checking and ensuring the availability of necessary resources for the achievement of the said targets, Streamlining the goals of different departments with that of the organization, Monitoring the actual performance against the budget, Adjusting the performance deficiencies by referring back to the budget Adjusting the budget where required by incorporating the changes in the working environment, and Continuously planning for effective and better performance. All in all a budget is a system of governance that enables the management to build up the business by adequately planning its each move in the market and maintain a pro-active approach in its business that serves as a plus point in a competitive business environment if managed effectively and intelligently. (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 6th Ed, p 385 386)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Netherlands :: essays research papers

The Netherlands   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Netherlands, officially Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a constitutional monarchy located in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland after a historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium. Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes have been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F and the mean July temperature is 63 degrees F. The Netherlands was considered to be lacking in natural resources. Salt is produced and in the 1950’s and 60’s, great natural gas reserves were discovered in Groningen Province. The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. The Dutch make up the great majority of the nation’s inhabitants. They are mostly descended from the Franks, Frisians, and Saxons. According to a 1994 estimate, the Netherlands had a population of 15,401,000, an increase of about 17.9% over the 1971 census total. The overall population was about 961 persons per sq. mile. The nation is heavily urbanized; about 27% of the people live in cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants, and another 62% inhabit smaller cities and towns. The largest cities are, the capital, Amsterdam; one of the worlds leading seaports, Rotterdam; the nation’s administrative center, The Hague; and a manufacturing hub, Utretch. The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch, which is spoken throughout the country. Roman Catholics constitute about 33% and Protestants about 25% of the Dutch population. From the time of the reformation the 16th century, the Netherlands has ha d a high level of basic education and comparatively high literacy rates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Netherlands has played a major role in the European economy for many centuries. Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. A diversified manufacturing base was created as employment in agriculture fell and the country became a major energy exporter as large deposits of natural gas were discovered. Most firms are privately owned even though the government distributes about 40% of the Dutch national income. From 1965 to 1980, the gross domestic product of the Netherlands grew at an average yearly rate of 3.8%, about equal to that of neighboring countries of continental Europe.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inventor-Granville T Woods

Background On April 23rd, 1856 a baby boy was born in Columbus Ohio. That boy’s name was Granville T. Woods. Granville grew up in a disadvantaged childhood home. He was only able to be formally educated up to the age of 10, all education that followed was self taught or learned from experience. People had called him â€Å"The Black Edison† because he was almost identical Edison. Edison had been in one of the same situations as Granville, a disadvantaged childhood home. After he was done in his early steps of life he moved on in his education.He had taken interest in the electrical and mechanical engineering fields at an East Coast College from 1876 to 1878. Further education was given to him in the form of his co-workers. They had given him information that he hadn’t already known and he paid them to rent books from the library for him because African-Americans weren’t allowed in the libraries. He also went to night classes and took private lessons. Throug hout his life he had many jobs that led him to being an inventor.His first job was an apprentice in a machine shop; there he had repaired railroad equipment such as track, lights, bridges, and anything else that goes with the railroad. His second job was a fireman, a job he had gained from the Apprentice. Here, he was the fireman of D&S Railroads in Missouri, which led him into his next job. In 1878, he became an engineer on a British steamer known as Ironsides. He was then promoted to the chief engineer. This lead into the start of a business he and his brother Lyates ran. It was called the Woods Railway Telegraph Co.It simply made electrical telephone and telegraph equipment for the railroad industry. By the end of Granville’s life he had had many achievements. First off he had had 60 patents, 35 which were of electrical systems and 15 electric railways. He also invented 15 appliances for the railway as well. Out of the many inventions that he had invented the most importan t one was the Multiplex Railway Telegraph. This discovery was built to help reduce railway accidents by letting dispatchers communicate where they are at so they don’t collide.This was also the first time they were able to communicate with each other. This particular invention was so helpful Granville found himself fighting patent suits with none other than Thomas Edison. Although Granville had won in the end. This invention has changed lives in the many ways below. This telegraph has changed and saved many peoples lives. People then could feel safe having to travel by train, when there weren’t many other ways. Also, this factor told everyone that there could be more people going out to be railroad conductors because they wouldn’t have to worry about getting killed in the process.Finally families would feel safer letting their loved ones travel by train. In the end, Granville had a very successful life although he had died poor. Success Factors How exactly did G ranville T. Woods gain his fame? Well for one, everyone had called him the â€Å"Black Edison. † Secondly, he was the first inventor to create such a thing as the Multiplex Railway Telegraph which hit it big because it was the first thing that allowed dispatchers to communicate back and forth about their locations.Lastly, he had over 60 patents and had himself fighting patent pursuits with Thomas Edison himself. Also, he came from a disadvantaged childhood, not only that but he pushed himself to take extra classes and read books because he was only allowed to attend school until he was 10. He has gained the following attributes from his famousness. The first is creativity. He gained this through the many inventions that he created were quite interesting and anyone could tell how creative he was by these inventions.The second was that he had diverse job experience. By this he had been able to work at countless jobs and learn from them, especially how he had gone into studying one of the fields (electrical and mechanical engineering) in night school, books, and through co-workers. I think that if anyone would research Granville anyone would see how his inventions have these attributes. He also gained education through diverse job experience and the fact that he didn’t take the job that Edison offered him, a very major job.I have realized all these attributes through reading about him in biographies, I may not have them all, or what anyone thinks should be on here, but this is my opinion on Granville and what he had. My Life At this present moment I have many, many goals. My first goal is to do better in school. By this I mean up my grades in the classes I do poorly in. My second goal is to make honor roll at least once before I leave Washington to go to high school. My third goal is to help more around my ouse as in clean up messes that I make, do anything that im told to do when I get told to do it, and lastly be better toward my sister, because a s everyone knows siblings can be a pain in the neck. I can accomplish these goals by doing many tasks. For my first goal, I can accomplish this by being more creative when it comes to homework, projects, and papers. I can also study more for upcoming tests that I am not sure about. Then when needed take the time to write everything the teacher writes on the board when they introduce us to something new and if I don’t understand the specific area we are working in to ask for help.Also, do all my homework when its due, I do turn in my homework, but only a couple times I have had late papers. For my second goal, I can push harder and harder in the classes I am not doing to well in to get the grades I need to make honor roll. I can also spend more time on my homework instead of doing other tasks or just messing around. For my third goal I can do everything when I am told to do, I shouldn’t procrastinate. Another part of my third goal that I need to accomplish would be my b edroom; I can clean up everything even if it’s not mine instead of arguing with my sister about picking her toys and clothes up.For the last part of my third goal, my little sister, I can calm down and try to figure out what needs to be done, instead of the constant arguing. My inventor has some attributes that can help me with accomplishing my goals. His first was Education, that can help me in the way that when I think about how short some people had very little if any schooling, and in his case he was only able to attend school up to age 10, but now anyone attend school for however long anyone wanted to, and the fact with that little bit of schooling he became an inventor.His attribute of diverse job experience does fit in a specific way, I look at it and say well I haven’t had any jobs but I have belonged to many different clubs, and although his jobs lead him up to the decision that he wanted to become an inventor. I have been in builders club and this club helps people so maybe that is why I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up. Finally, with his creative attribute, it can help me with the cleaning section because I hate cleaning and I can turn it into something that would really be fun. I think that this inventor can help accomplish or improve my goals quicker and in a creative way.