Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blanche Dubois and Tom Wingfield’s Struggle Between Fantasy and Reality

Blanche DuBois and Tom Wingfield’s Struggle Between Fantasy and Reality The two characters, Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Tom Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie, both share an intense struggle between fantasy and reality in their lives causing dependency upon alcohol. Blanch DuBois approaches as a high class Southern Belle who depends upon others to care for her, but in reality she thrives on her self-proclaimed royalty. Meanwhile, Tom Wingfield is a pessimistic character who deprives his life working at a shoe factory for his mother and sister while living in the shadows of his father. Both these characters also develop a dependency upon alcohol to overcome conflicts they are faced with. Blanche’s struggle occurs after losing all she had back home in Belle Reve except her trunk of clothes and props, but is exposed to the hash reality of the real world where she cannot cope and must depend on others. One example, such as Stanley Kowalski’s friend, Mitch, whom she instantly wants to marry to be saved from her current degrading lifestyle. â€Å"Ms. DuBois says that she is on vacation at the Kowalski’s, but in fact has lost the family mansion, Belle Reve, and her teaching position due to her sexual indiscretions, the last one with a 17-year-old boy while earning a reputation for sleeping with men indiscriminately, in the meantime pretending to be a Southern bell (Magill pars. 1-2). Blanche is so caught up in her fantasy world that she even had relations with the delivery boy, as well, so she may mask her age with youth and to have control of another. Tom finds himself struggling to fulfill his dreams of writing poetry. This is due to his working at the local shoe factory so he can support his family. â€Å"Mr. Wingfield is desperately unhappy in his warehouse job, and finds himself standing on the fire-escape to the apartment in his hopes of one day fleeing to pursue his dreams as his father did (Bloom pars. 15-16). Tom is always speaking of how he is held down from his hopes, goals, dreams, and ambitions stuck in the shoe factory making a lousy salary for his family, made up of a sick sister and delirious mother. Tom cannot accept the reality that surrounds him and is always contemplating about his dream life, which he is kept from achieving. Blanche, like Tom, abuses alcohol to escape her struggles between fantasy and reality. Blanche is noticeably an abuser of alcohol as she is found constantly sipping away at liquor to forget her past, which her conscience knows is guilty. Tom is said to be at â€Å"the movies,† meanwhile he is actually out at the bars all hours of the night. This is Tom’s way of temporarily escaping his home and forgetting his duties that trap and prevent him from accomplishing his goals in life. Neither character was in need of alcohol, but abused it to an intolerable level, where they consumed it when facing rough times or troubling memories that followed. Also, in both plays these two characters hid the fact that they ever even consumed liquor, while they were always drinking in complete denial. The two characters, Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Tom Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie, both share an intense struggle between fantasy and reality in their lives causing dependency upon alcohol. Blanche’s inability to cope with the real world alone makes her a weak character. She cannot live independently and has lost all that once made her life, back in Belle Reve, due to her confused relationship with a student of hers. Tom, on the contrary, has a strong character that is chipped away at over time due to the tormenting lifestyle he must live to support his family. After time this strong foundation of character diminishes as Tom wants to flee his stationary life back at home. 1. Magill Book Reviews 1990/03/15 2. Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations: The Glass Menagerie; 1988, p31-41, 11p 3. Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature; Letter D, pN. PAG, 1p 4. Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire. Harold Bloom – editor. Publisher: Chelsea House. Place of Publication: New York. 1988. 5. Tennessee Williams. The Glass Menagerie. Harold Bloom – editor. Publisher: Chelsea House. Place of Publication: New York. 1988.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computer Evolution Essay

?Explain the evolution of computer describing the technologies used in different generations. The evolution of computers started way back in the late 1930s. Binary arithmetic is at the core of the computers of all times. History of computers dates back to the invention of a mechanical adding machine in 1642. Abacus, an early computing tool, invention of logarithm by John Napier and the invention of slide rules by William Oughtred were significant events in the evolution of computers. Evolution of computer technology can be divided into five generations. First generation computer consisted of vacuum tubes and they were used from 1943-1958. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) computer is an example of first generation computer. Second generation (1959-1965) computer consisted of transistors i. e. vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors. Thus the size of the computer got reduced considerably. Third generation (1966-1973) computer consisted of integrated circuits (IC) i. e. many transistors in single silicon chip. A single IC has many transistors, registers and capacitors built on a single thin slice of silicon. With the invention of microprocessor (1971), fourth generation of computer evolution started and present day computers are also categorized in the fourth generation. The fifth generation computers are under development. They are going to be based on principles of artificial intelligence and natural language recognition. Developers are aiming at computers capable of organizing themselves. The evolution of computer continues. Generation Duration Memory device First (1943-1958) Vacuum tubes Second (1959-1965) Transistor Third (1966-1973) LSI (Large Scale Integration) IC Fourth (1974-1990) VLSI (Very large Scale Integration) Microprocessor. Fifth (1990 onwards) Biochips (concept of AI) Table: Time period and its device used in evolution of computer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Gap In Irelands Infrastructure And What Is Done To Close It Essay

The Gap In Irelands Infrastructure And What Is Done To Close It - Essay Example Today, from one of the poorest country, just some decades back, the country has moved to the top of the league; becoming one of the richest country in Europe today (Labohm, 2005; Wikipedia, 2006a; Ireland-Economic Profile, 2005). Although, Ireland is no longer a poor country with its per capita income now one of the highest in the European Community. Yet Ireland's infrastructure and social provision are far below the EU average. The growing poverty rates, unequal income distribution, growing rich-poor gap and the under-equipped transport, health and education systems represent the most visible signs of the extensive gaps in the country's infrastructural base. This poor infrastructure, especially as it concerns transport impacts heavily on several sectors of the country and most importantly on the increasing poor population (A Little Done, 2005). This paper therefore intends to look at the problem of infrastructure in Ireland; how bad it is and what the government is doing to remedy the situation. A good way to start the assessment of the infrastructural problems of the country is to attempt a pragmatic definition of the term 'infrastructure'. In the most general understanding, 'infrastructure' is employed to refer to a set of interconnected structural elements that provide the framework or basis that supports an entire system. However, when restricted to discussions concerning economic growth and/or development of a state or country, infrastructure refers to the facilities that enable the efficient running of individual and corporate businesses and improves the quality of lives for the inhabitants. This could include sectors of the economy as transportation, water supply, electricity/energy supply, waste removal, communications etc (Wikipedia, 2006b). Though, infrastructure is traditionally associated with transportation, such as road networks, railways, motorways etc; it is vital to point out that the term actually subsumes a wide range of facilities and services that enable the smooth running of individual and corporate existence in a state and thus includes more than twenty different areas of investment ranging from the transport, communications, electricity/energy, land development, utilities and even waste disposal and management. Most of Ireland's infrastructure used to be owned and operated by the government, however, things are changing, some are now being operated, partially or totally by the private sector, which holds serious implications for the infrastructural development of the country and the policies required to address the obvious deficits in the country's infrastructure (The Case for Change, 2005). The importance of a sound and well developed physical infrastructure not just for the country's development but also for the quality of life of its people cannot be overemphasised. In the fast moving global economy, people, goods and information must be able to move from one point to the other, quickly, reliably and efficiently. Businesses and investment are attracted to a region/state where good infrastructure exists, because enterprises will only thrive in an environment where physical and communication infrastructures are adequately deployed. Also, tourism is a strong revenue earner, providing thousands of jobs for the nation,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Instruction Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Instruction Memo - Essay Example The memo does not sufficiently tell why the action was considered valid in the first place. 2. The memo fails to mention the basis on which Amazon Services was actually selected. In most cases, such services require someone who has far-reaching knowledge of the vessel and must have provided similar in the recent past or offered the opportunity under competitive procedures. 3. A clear statement of any clearances as well as approvals received for the procurement action considered unauthorized, including the names and titles of the people who ratified the contract. In this case, none of these statements is provided or directions indicating that it is attached. In this case, nothing is actually mentioned, so it leaves people quizzing who actually was aware or who sanctioned the procurement action. In fact, what comes out looks like the author also participated in the process only to rescind upon realizing it would cost a lot. a. On Thursday, July 20, 2010 research vessel suffered a shattering failure to the starboard diesel engine and associated running gear. The starboard main engine overheated causing damage to the associated running gear; shaft, propeller, bearings and rudders. This failure rendered the vessel unable to operate in a safe manner and emergency repairs were required. b. Operations Coordinator determined that emergency drydock repairs were necessary and contracted Amazon Services. The vessel was safely stored for the weekend since the work would not commence until Monday, July 24, 2010 to surmise the extent of the damages and give an estimate for repair. c. A contracted captain for the vessel was appointed to oversee the repair in my absence. However, upon further inspection of the vessel, we discovered that the amount that has been agreed is too

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Dance 3 (fitness and wellness) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dance 3 (fitness and wellness) - Assignment Example ty and high lipid levels (signified by the high low-density lipoproteins) also predisposes Joe to acquiring Diabetes of the type two variety especially if any member of his family has had diabetes before. He is also likely to get gallbladder diseases, osteoarthritis, dyslipidemia and cancers. Social exclusion may lead Joe to succumb to depression and other mental disorders. Therefore, there is a need for Joe to manage his lifestyle better. To make himself fit, Joe should start by enrolling himself in a local gym and dedicate a particular time of the day for exercises. By doing this, he would be also be engaging in more social interactions and therefore promoting his social wellness (Hoeger, page 200). He should seek a religious domination of his liking and attend regular services. Also, he should analyse his skills and hobbies and look for a job that befits him. He should also take time to be relaxing and go out for dates with members of the opposite sex to enable him be able to get a suitable partner of his choice. All these will enable him create a balanced lifestyle that would reduce the risk of the above diseases. Sally needs to seek the help of a good psychologist to help her unravel the source of her demotivation. Alternatively, she could do a self-evaluation to pinpoint the root of her demotivation. After the emotional problem is solved, she should enrol herself back to the gym on a regular basis. Since her sport of choice is athletics, she should engage in regular jogging in the morning and treadmills in the gym. Each week she strives to increase the distance of running to improve her performance. She should incorporate the principle of commitment and self-discipline to record improved performance. She should also eat healthily. A diet plan for a single day could resemble the one

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership and Management Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Leadership and Management Theories - Essay Example A person through learning acquires exemplary leadership; leadership skills and knowledge, however, processed by a leader. These leadership skills and knowledge mainly influenced by beliefs, character, values, and ethics; these factors contribute to leadership process. Leadership process has four principal factors that are the leader, situation, communication, and followers. These factors form the basis of outstanding leadership in an organization, hence the organization’s success while undertaking organizational operations. Several theories of leadership have been produced by students of leadership these theories include Trait, Skills, Styles, Situational, Contingency, Path-Goal, Leader-Member Exchange, Transformational, Servant, Authentic, Team and Psychodynamic theories (Chemers, 1997). These theories are vital in maintaining a sound leadership in an organization, the most common theories in an organization, which will be dealt with in this paper are the transformational the ory, situational theory, and contingency theory. According to transformational theory, leadership is a process through which a person’s engagement with others establishes a connection, which normally results in encouragement of morality and increased motivation for leaders and its followers. The theory attributes leaders with qualities such as confidence, extroversion, and the values stated; with these qualities, the leaders are able to motivate followers (Chemers, 1997). Under transformational leadership, the leader needs to pay attention to the follower’s needs and motives if their potential is to be attained. Transformational leadership does attempt to explain leader’s efforts to implement initiatives and develop crucial and significant changes in any given organization.

Evolution of Computer Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Evolution of Computer Technology - Essay Example By doing so the CPU is never idle and optimizes the use of resources. It is a combination of various scalar and vector processing which is responsible for Instruction level parallelism within a single processor. It executes more than one instruction during a clock cycle. It also includes pipelining and makes sure that instructions are taken from a sequential stream are dynamically checked for dependencies between instructions. It enhances the speed of the computer by executing in the following manner: It is a concept where several jobs would run parallel using the common processing resources like CPU and memory. It switches from one job to another taking the processes to execute simultaneously the tasks. This switching is called context switching. The security aspects of multitasking would be the ability of a process to impact inadvertently or deliberately overwrite memory allocation that belongs to another program. The complexity of various operations would make sure that memory requires to be protected from other processes and can be done using semaphores. The semaphores employ two basic functions namely wait and signal to synchronize the process operation and functioning. It allows concurrent access of the processes to memory resources for direct access and control. The memory management schemes involve garbage collection which is more dependent on various memory allocation and release methods for removing objects from memory. Researchers at Xerox PARC have developed a powerful formal model for describing the parameter spaces for collectors that are both generational and conservative. A garbage collection becomes a mapping from one storage state to another. They show that storage states may be partitioned into threatened and immune sets. The method of selecting these sets induces a specific garbage collection algorithm. A pointer augmentation provides the formalism for modeling remembered sets and imprecise pointer identifications. Finally, they show how the formalism may be used to combine any generational algorithm with a conservative one. They used the model to design and then implement two different conservative generational garbage collectors. Their Sticky Mark Bit collector uses two generations and promotes objects surviving a single coll ection. A refinement of this collector (Collector II) allows objects allocated beyond an arbitrary point in the past to be immune from collection and tracing. This boundary between old objects, which are immune, and the new objects, which are threatened, is called the threatening boundary. More recently, these authors have received a software patent covering their ideas. Any type of dynamic storage allocation system imposes both CPU and memory costs. The costs often strongly affect the performance of the system and pass directly to the purchaser of the hardware as well as to software project schedules. Thus, the selection of the appropriate storage management technique will often be determined primarily by its costs. Cache memory: It is a faster and speedier memory which is placed between the CPU and the main memory and is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Management - Case Study Example XYZs business is dealt with into four claims to fame units. The outlined in Exhibits consolidate IT Services, Asset Management, Fund Services, and New Business Investments. The Fund Services (FS) forte unit gives association organizations to basic stores. These organizations fuse trade get ready, execution reporting, record keeping, and genuine organizations. Their vital customers fuse banks, assurance firms, and theory organization associations. Salaries for FS are earned through yearly managerial charges that are based upon a settled rate, implied as "reason centers," of the ordinary consistently net stake worth of the stores. For example, if a customer had contracted with FS to give save managerial organizations at an expense of 5% (500 preparation centers), and that customers normal trust had an ordinary consistently business nature of $1,000, then FSs yearly wage on that store could be $50 (i.e., 5% of $1,000) Understanding the key venture stakeholders is a significant inward element that ought to be tended to throughout the Initiating Phase of an undertaking. Terry felt that Carl was the main key stakeholder of the undertaking. This is confirming when Carl acknowledged the general thought of organizing an ABC framework, with the accompanying stipulations: Since Terry had some former (however restricted) experience working with ABC (from an alternate occupation) and had barely as of late came back from an ABC meeting, Terry might be the undertaking supervisor for the pilot usage. I agree with Carl on this point of view point in that any organization all hands on deck and needs to accomplish its order, it requires to execute aggressive method which comprises of the methodologies and activities an organization takes to draw in clients, withstand intense weights, and reinforce your business sector position. According to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Proposal Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Proposal Draft - Essay Example There are also few studies that indicate the way in which these youngsters can be motivated to adopt a positive lifestyle in terms of being physically active and eating the proper diet that will help them to avoid obesity. There exists a desperate need to identify a connection between the benefits that come with weight loss. There is also a need to make sure that people, especially the young people are not only aware of the health benefits of losing excess weight but that they are motivated to lose the excess weight through positive lifestyle and the proper eating habits. The significance of the current research study is to measure how a quantitative weight loss program will affect those who will be involved in the study. The study will involve 50 participants of ages between 8 and 18, from both the genders. All the participants have to have a body mass index of over the 95th percentile which is a clear indication that they are obese and overweight. The study will be done in a period of twelve weeks. The study will monitor food intake, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose and cholesterol levels of the participants. Will there be increased positive health benefits such as, improved oxygen circulation, healthy blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose and cholesterol levels, in the participants who will be children age 8 to 18 with a BMI above the 95th percentile? The hypothesis for this research is that there will be clear indication of the positive health outcomes that will be achieved by the 50 participants who will be involved in this controlled medical study for weight loss. Needles to say, age is an important factor when weight related health issues are being considered. The way an 8 year old child can be affected by overweight may not be the same way s an 18 year old will be affected. At the same time, the way an older patient may be able to stay in course in a controlled weight loss progress is not the same way a young

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Inequality - Essay Example ifferent population groups and communities" like "differences in mobility between elderly people and younger populations or differences in mortality rates between people from different social classes." Throughout the world, there are gross inequalities of health between countries and between various groups within the same country. For example, in Japan, the life expectancy is 81.9 years while in Sierra, it is 34 years. In this essay, health inequality in UK, which is a developed country will be explored to ascertain the magnitude of the problem, evaluate the causes for it and study the various interventions undertaken by the government to tackle it. Of the health inequalities within the population of UK, the most noticeable is the difference in the life expectancy between the rich and the poor (House of Commons Health Committee or HC, 2009). According to the 2006 statistics, individuals born in Chelsea and Kensington have a life expectancy of 87.8 years while those born in Glasgow city have a life expectancy of only 77.1 years. Despite aggressive measures by the government and effort by the people, health inequalities in UK continue to persist. One of the main reasons for this that while there is improvements in the health status of the poorer population, the richer continue to get better and keep the gap open. The gap is in fact increasing. According to HC (2009), "the gap in men’s life expectancy in the period 2005–07 was 4% wider than the baseline period, while for women, this gap was 11% wider." Also, "from 2005–07, infant mortality in routine and manual groups was 16% higher than in the population as a whole, compared to 13% in the baseline period." The HC (2009) has also reported health inequalities in some major causes of mortality like coronary artery disease and stroke. Similar differences have been noted for infant mortality too. Apart from socio-economic strata, health inequalities have been reported even between various ethnic groups.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Indian Textile Industry Essay Example for Free

Indian Textile Industry Essay Indian textile industry An overview textile industry in India is one of the hopeful divisions of Indian market. It supplies more than thirteen percent to trade production, 16. 63 percent to export revenues and four percent to the nations GDP. In the forth coming year, the industry is to make approximately twelve million career opportunities with a venture of US dollar six billion in the field of textile tools and structure, and garment manufacturing by the end of 2015. Union ministry of Textiles certified Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) has taken the reliability to motivate the overseas financiers to invest in Indian Textile industry by revealing it huge unknown domestic market. It has also prepared and authorized the motto of reach the destination, spend, generate and trade in India. Under this perceptive, the ministry has made a decision to send some representatives to Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and US. The purpose is to activate the overseas venture towards textile entity in India by offering several grants to international financier like low cost employees and intellectual right fortification. The government of India has also agreed to the proposals to support the textile industry by approving hundred percent Foreign Direct Investment in the market. Owing to the uprights and instantly incorporated textiles cost sequence (price chain), the Indian textile industry signifies a tough subsistence in the total value chain from raw products to finished products. The Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC) has taken every required steps to meet the target of doubling the synthetic textile export in India to US $6. 2 billion by grabbing four percent of market share by fiscal year 2011- 2012. Taking into consideration the persistent funds in the textile industry, the Govt. of India may possibly widen the Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan- in the financial year of 2011- 2012 in order to protract the industry. Indian textile industry is extraordinarily providing to meet the targeted production of $ 85 billion in the year of 2011, intending exports of more than $ 50 billion which was in year 2010. There is massive progress foreseen in Indian textile exports from the $ 17 billion accomplished in the year of 2005 -2006 to $ 50 billion by the year of 2009-2010. The assessment for the exports in the current fiscal year is about $ 19billion. There is significant potential in Indias exports of technical textiles and home textiles, as most European businesses desire to set up facilities near- by the emerging markets, such as China and India. So, the future of Indian textile industry is very bright, as it has open up the market for international business people.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Applications Of The Pigeonhole Principle Mathematics Essay

Applications Of The Pigeonhole Principle Mathematics Essay We begin our discussion with a common daily embarrassing moment. Suppose that in ones dresser drawer, he has socks of three different colours (all placed in messy order). Having to get up early in the morning while it is still dark, how does he ensure that he gets a matching pair of same coloured socks in the most convenient way without disturbing his partner? While, the answer is simple! He just has to take 4 socks from the drawer! The answer behind this is of course, the Pigeonhole Principle which we will be exploring in this Maths Project. What is the Pigeonhole Principle then? Let me give you an example to illustrate this principle. For instance, there are 3 pigeonholes around. A pigeon is delivering 4 mails and has to place all its mails into the available pigeonholes. With only 3 pigeonholes around, there bound to be 1 pigeonhole with at least 2 mails!. Thus, the general rule states when there are k pigeonholes and there are k+1 mails, then they will be 1 pigeonhole with at least 2 mails. A more advanced version of the principle will be the following: If mn + 1 pigeons are placed in n pigeonholes, then there will be at least one pigeonhole with m + 1 or more pigeons in it. The Pigeonhole Principle sounds trivial but its uses are deceiving astonishing! Thus, in our project, we aim to learn and explore more about the Pigeonhole Principle and illustrate its numerous interesting applications in our daily life. We begin with the following simple example: 2. Pigeonhole Principle and the Birthday problem We have always heard of people saying that in a large group of people, it is not difficult to find two persons with their birthday on the same month. For instance, 13 people are involved in a survey to determine the month of their birthday. As we all know, there are 12 months in a year, thus, even if the first 12 people have their birthday from the month of January to the month of December, the 13th person has to have his birthday in any of the month of January to December as well. Thus, we are right to say that there are at least 2 people who have their birthday falling in the same month. In fact, we can view the problem as there are 12 pigeonholes (months of the year) with 13 pigeons (the 13 persons). Of course, by the Pigeonhole Principle, there will be at least one pigeonhole with 2 or more pigeons! Heres another example of the application of Pigeonhole Principle with peoples relationship: 3. Pigeonhole Principle and problems on relations Assume that the relation `to be acquainted with is symmetric: if Peter is acquainted with Paul, then Paul is acquainted with Peter. Suppose that there are 50 people in the room. Some of them are acquainted with each other, while some not. Then we can show that there are two persons in the room who have equal numbers of acquaintances. Lets assume that there is one person in the room that has no acquaintance at all, then the others in the room will have either 1, 2, 3, 4, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48 acquaintance, or do not have acquaintance at all. Therefore we have 49 pigeonholes numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48 and we have to distribute between them 50 pigeons. So, there are at least two persons that have the same number of acquaintance with the others. Next, if everyone in the room has at least one acquaintance, we will still have 49 pigeonholes numbered 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48, 49 and we have to be distribute between them 50 pigeons! Also, we can apply the Pigeonhole Principle in the proving of numerical properties. The following are two of such examples: 4. Pigeonhole Principle and divisibility Consider the following random list of 12 numbers say, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 23, 34, 55, 67, 78 and 83. Is it possible to choose two of them such that their difference is divisible by 11? Can we provide an answer to the problem by applying the Pigeonhole Principle? There are 11 possible remainders when a number is divided by 11: 0, 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., 9, 10. But we have 12 numbers. If we take the remainders for pigeonholes and the numbers for pigeons, then by the Pigeon-Hole Principle, there are at least two pigeons sharing the same hole, ie two numbers with the same remainder. The difference of these two numbers is thus divisible by 11! In fact, in our example, there are several answers as the two numbers whose difference is divisible by 11 could be 4 15; 34 67 or 6 83. 5. Pigeonhole Principle and numerical property We can also apply the Pigeonhole Principle in determining useful numerical properties. Consider a sequence of any 7 distinct real numbers. Is it possible to select two of them say x and y, which satisfy the inequality that 0 The problem sounds difficult as we may need to consider more advanced calculus and trigonometrical methods in the determination of the result. Well, to answer the above problem, one will be surprised to know that we just need a simple trigonometrical identity and apply the Pigeonhole Principle! Before proceeding to answer the problem, we first note that given any real number x, we can always find a real number a where n1 = tan a1, n2 = tan a2, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., n7 = tan a7 Now, if we were to divide the interval (-p, p) into 6 equal intervals, we obtain the following sub-intervals: ( -p, -p ), [ -p, -p ), [ -p, 0 ) , [ 0, p ), [p,p ) and [p, p ). For the 7 distinct numbers a1, a2, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.a7, by the Pigeonhole Principle, there should be two values say, ai and aj such that aI > aj and ai aj are in the same interval! For these two values ai and aj, we should have 0 We may recall an important trigonometrical identity: B ) = . Thus, if ni = ai and nj = aj , then = = tan ( ai aj ) As 0 0 and so, 0 which is the result we are seeking! We may also apply the Pigeonhole Principle in the proving of useful daily geometrical results.. The following examples illustrate such usages: 6. Pigeonhole Principle and Geometry a. Dartboard applications Another common type of problem requiring the pigeonhole principle to solve are those which involve the dartboard. In such questions, a given number of darts are thrown onto a dartboard, the general shape and size of which are known. Possible maximum distance between two certain darts is then to be determined. As with most questions involving the pigeonhole principle, the hardest part is to identify the pigeons and pigeonholes. Example 1: Seven darts are thrown onto a circular dartboard of radius 10 units. Can we show that there will always be two darts which are at most 10 units apart? To prove that the final statement is always true, we first divide the circle into six equal sectors as shown; Allowing each sector to be a pigeonhole and each dart to be a pigeon, we have seven pigeons to go into six pigeonholes. By pigeonhole principle, there is at least one sector containing a minimum of two darts. Since the greatest distance between two points lying in a sector is 10 units, the statement is proven to be true in any case. In fact, it is also possible to prove the scenario with only six darts. In such a case, the circle is this time divided into five sectors and all else follows. However, take note that this is not always true anymore with only five darts or less. Example 2: Nineteen darts are thrown onto a dartboard which is shaped as a regular hexagon with side length of 1 unit. Can we prove that there are two darts within units of each other ? Again, we identify our pigeonholes by dividing the hexagon into six equilateral triangles as shown below. With the six triangles as our pigeonholes and the 19 darts as pigeons, we find that there must be at least one triangle with a minimum of 4 darts in it. Now, considering the best case scenario, we will have to try an equilateral triangle of side 1 unit with 4 points inside. If we try to put the points as far apart from each other as possible, we will end up assigning each of the first three points to the vertices of the triangle. The last point will then be at the exact centre of the triangle. As we know that the distance from the centre of the triangle to each vertex is two-third of the altitude of this triangle, that is, units, we can see that it is definitely possible to find two darts which are units apart within the equilateral triangle! b. Encompassing problems Consider the following problem: 51 points are placed, in a random way, into a square of side 1 unit. Can we prove that 3 of these points can be covered by a circle of radius units ? To prove the result, we may divide the square into 25 equal smaller squares of side units each. Then by the Pigeonhole Principle, at least one of these small squares (so call pigeonholes) should contain at least 3 points (ie the pigeons). Otherwise, each of the small squares will contain 2 or less points which will then mean that the total number of points will be less than 50 , which is a contradiction to the fact that we have 51 points in the first case ! Now the circle circumvented around the particular square with the three points inside should have radius = = = It will be worthwhile to note the above technique can be useful in analyzing accuracy of weapons in shooting practices and tests. Next, we will like to proceed to a more creative aspect of the application of Pigeonhole Principle by showing how it can be used to design interesting games: 7. Application of pigeonhole principle in card games We like to introduce the application of pigeonhole principle in two exciting card tricks: a. Combinatorial Card Trick : Heres the trick: A magician asks an unsuspecting observer to randomly choose five cards from a standard deck of playing cards. The participant does not show these cards to the magician, but does show them to the magicians accomplice. The accomplice looks at the five cards, chooses four of them, and shows these four to the magician in a certain ordered manner. The magician immediately identifies the fifth hidden card. How does the trick work? The following is an explanation of our working strategy: (1) First of all, notice that in any hand of five cards there must be two cards of the same suit (an application of Pigeonhole Principle). The first card that the accomplice shows to the magician is one of these two cards. The other card of the same suit is never shown it is the mystery card, the card which the magician must discover. Thus, the accomplice can easily communicate the suit of the hidden card: the hidden card has same suit as the first card shown to the magician. Specifying the rank of the mystery card (ie its value) is a little trickier but can be accomplished with a little circular counting manner which we will explained below Number the cards in a suit circularly from 1(ace) to 11 (jack), 12 (queen) and 13 (king) so that 1 follows 13 i.e. the list is ordered in a clockwise direction. Now, given any two cards A and B, define distance (A,B) as the clockwise distance from A to B. It is easy to see that for any two cards A and B either distance(A,B) or distance(B,A) must always be less than or equal to 6. Again as an application of the Pigeonhole Principle, we note that if they are both 7 or more, then there will be at least 2 x 7 = 14 cards in a standard suit of cards!! Example Cards: 3 and Jack (11) distance(Jack, 3) = 5; distance (3, Jack) = 8 Cards: Ace(1) and 7 distance (Ace, 7) = 6; distance (7,Ace) = 7 (2) Our working strategy thus proceeds as follows.: From those two cards of the same suit, A and B, the accomplice shows the magician card A such that distance(A, B) is 6 or less. For example, given the choice between the three of clubs and the Jack of clubs, the accomplice reveals the Jack (since distance (Jack ,3) = 5 and distance(3, Jack)= 8). The three of clubs remains hidden. If the two same-suit cards are the five of hearts and the six of hearts, the accomplice chooses the five (since distance (5,6) = 1 but distance (6,5) = 12) leaving the six of hearts as the mystery card. (3) Finally, the accomplice arranges the last three cards to encode a number from 1 to 6 the distance from the value of first card to that of the hidden card. A quick calculation allows the magician to discover the value of the mystery card. Notice that although the magician must decode only one of 6 possibilities, it should not present a problem, even to the slowest of magicians. To facilitate the explanation for the last step involved, we may assign each card a number from 1 to 52 for ranking purpose. For example, the ace of spade can be numbered 1 (the highest ranking card), ace of heart numbered 2, ace of club numbered 3, ace of diamond numbered 4, king of spade numbered 5, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., queen of spade numbered 9, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., jack of spade numbered 13, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 10 of spade numbered 17, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. , 2 of diamond numbered 52 (the lowest ranking card). We will now proceed to explain the last step using the following example: Example: Suppose the five cards chosen are the following: 3 of Hearts (numbered 46) 5 of Spades (numbered 37) 6 of Clubs (numbered 35) 7 of Hearts (numbered 30) 2 of Diamonds (numbered 52) The accomplice notices that the 3 and the 7 have the same suit hearts. Since the distance( 3 ,7) = 4 and distance(7, 3) = 9, the accomplice chooses the 3 as the first card to show the magician, leaving the 7 of hearts as the hidden card. The magician now knows that the suit of the mystery card is hearts. The accomplices next task is thus to let the magician know that he must add the value 4 to the number 3 to obtain the final value of 7 for the hidden card! How can he achieve this? Basically, he can arrange the other three cards in 3! = 6 ways. Based on the numbering method explained earlier, the 3 remaining cards can be ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd . In our example, the 6 of Clubs will be ranked 1, the 5 of Spades will be ranked 2 and the 2 of Diamonds will be ranked 3. The accomplice may agree with the magician earlier that the arrangement of these 3 cards represent specific numbers as shown below: Order in which 3 remaining cards are shown Number represented by the arrangement 1, 2, 3 1 1, 3, 2 2 2, 1, 3 3 2, 3, 1 4 3, 1, 2 5 3, 2, 1 6 Thus in our example, the accomplice should display the cards in the following manner: firstly, the 5 of Spades, then the 2 of Diamonds and lastly, the 6 of Clubs ! b. Permutation Card Trick: Heres the trick: A magician asks an unsuspecting observer to randomly arrange 10 cards which are labelled 1 to 10 in a hidden face down manner. The participant does not show the arrangement of these cards to the magician, but does show them to the magicians accomplice. The accomplice looks at the ten cards and flips over six of the cards in a certain ordered manner to reveal their values to the magician. The magician immediately identifies the values of the four remaining unknown cards. How does the trick work? We first note that by applying the Pigeonhole Principle, we can show that in any permutation of 10 distinct numbers there exists an increasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers. (refer next section of our discussion). These are the numbers that remain hidden in our trick. The magician will know that the sequence is increasing if the accomplice flips over the other six cards from the left to right and it is decreasing if the other six cards are flipped over from the right to the left. We will now proceed to explain the trick behind the game: The trick behind the game: Given any sequence of mn+1 real numbers, some subsequence of (m+1) numbers is increasing or some subsequence of (n+1) numbers is decreasing. We shall prove the result by Contradiction method. Assume that the result is false. For each number x in the sequence, we have the ordered pair (i,  j), where i is the length of the longest increasing subsequence beginning with x, and j is the length of the longest decreasing subsequence ending with x. Then, since the result is false, 1  £ i  £ m and 1  £ j  £ n. Thus we have mn+1 ordered pairs, of which at most mn are distinct. Hence by the Pigeonhole Principle, two members of the sequence, say a and b, are associated with the same ordered pair (s,  t). Without loss of generality, we may assume that a precedes b in the sequence. If a Thus, in our trick, we should have an increasing subsequence of at least (3+1) numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least ( 3+ 1) numbers in a permutation of (33+ 1) distinct numbers! Here is an example of how the trick can be performed: Example Suppose the participant arranges the 10 cards in the following manner (value faced down from left to right): 3, 5, 8, 10, 1, 7, 4, 2, 6, 9. Upon careful inspection, the accomplice notices that an increasing subsequence can be 3, 5, 8, 10 while a decreasing subsequence can be 10, 7, 4, 2. If he decides to use the increasing subsequence, he should leave the first four cards untouched and flips the other six cards over in a leftward manner as shown: 1 7 4 2 6 9 Direction of flip The magician on realising that the four missing numbers are 3, 5, 8 and 10 and the leftward direction of flip, will thus proclaim the 4 hidden numbers to be 3, 5, 8, and 10 respectively! If the accomplice decides to use the decreasing subsequence, he should leave the cards bearing the numbers 10, 7, 4, 2 untouched and flips the other six cards over in a rightward manner as shown: 3 5 8 1 6 9 Direction of flip The magician on realising that the four missing numbers are 2, 4, 7 and 10 and the rightward direction of flip, will thus proclaim the 4 hidden numbers (from left to right) to be 10, 7, 4, 2 respectively! 8. Conclusion Although the Pigeonhole Principle seems simple and trivial, it is extremely useful in helping one to formulate and facilitate calculation and proving steps for numerous important Mathematical results and applications. We have included just a substantial amount of its applications in our project discussion. More importantly, we will like to show that a simple Mathematical concept like the Pigeonhole Principle does have numerous interesting and beneficial application in our daily life! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ End of Report ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dominant Theories Of Neorealism And Neoliberal Institutionalism Politics Essay

Dominant Theories Of Neorealism And Neoliberal Institutionalism Politics Essay 1. While neorealism and neoliberal institutionalism are now considered the dominant theories in international relations, neorealism can be viewed as the more dominant of the two because it more accurately portrays state behavior from a positivist standpoint. Unlike neoliberalism which can only adequately explain the economic relations of nations, neorealism is able to explain how states react to one another in terms of security affairs. Quite empirically, neorealism argues that states only act in its own interest vis a vis the material structural incentives of the international system (Griffiths, OCallaghan and Roach 282). How states behave is reflected upon how they are also positioned in a hierarchy within the international system. In the end, states will behave in a manner that allows them to improve, or at the very least, maintain their positions in the hierarchy. The more powerful states are likely to be more influential in deciding the fate of global affairs while the weaker st ates will have relatively less say on matters of international import. Therefore, among neorealists, how the international system is divided is dependent on how the capabilities of states are distributed. The international system is essentially a system of anarchy. States pursue maximum utility in order to achieve their interests. From the neorealists point of view, states need the same things but are not equally capable of meeting their needs. For instance, states in the North American continent are relatively well-positioned economically than states in Africa. A consequence of the disparate capabilities between the states from both regions is that their cooperation is limited since partnerships will end up either in dependence or exploitation. On another note, the more affluent states engage in cooperation and competition to maximize relative gains and power. This desire and the ability to maximize power on the part of states results in what is called balance of power. Neorealists believe that the unequal positions of states in the international system gives rise to a security dilemma where states struggle to balance power either by 1) building more powerful armies and increasing mi litary spending, and 2) forging regional alliances or diplomatic ties with other states to check more powerful nations. Neorealists are able to characterize the distribution of power in the international system based on capabilities of nations: unipolar (a singular power), bipolar (two great powers), and multipolar (more than two powers). The establishment of European Union, for instance, is an attempt to balance power and promote a multipolar world in a present unipolar system ruled by the United States of America. On the other hand, neoliberal institutionalism uses positivism to explain why states cooperate and why they do not cooperate with each other. Using game theory as its method of analysis, neoliberal institutionalists explain that behavior of states depends on their analysis of gains and losses. States are interested in cooperating only with states and institutions that can deliver mutual gains and profitable arrangements. Neoliberalism responds to the neorealist conception of the international system as anarchic. While it does not contest or deny this, neoliberalism purports that this is exaggeration. Neoliberals contend that states do not compete all the time and that cooperative behavior among states is possible if the international system is decentralized. Leaning on the classic liberal view of the state as a rational and self-interested actor, states, when allowed to compete fairly in a decentralized environment, are able to maximize their relative gains in power and resources. 2. Neoliberalism and neorealism are considered modern interpretations of the classic positivist theories on international relations. While different in some conceptions of state behavior, both theories are complementary and mutually enforcing. They more alike than different; both theories are rooted in the explanation of international relations using the state as primary unit of analysis. They cannot be considered alternative theories to international relations, merely, a modern version of the traditional positivist view of IR. In some ways, neorealism and neoliberalism contradict but they are essentially mutually reinforcing interpretations of international relations. Both recognize anarchy in IR but at different extents. The neorealist believes that the global system is anarchic by nature and that the main preoccupation of states is how to ensure their survival. Thus, whatever alliances and cooperation is forged among nations is hinged upon the need to survive. Other states, like North Korea, rely on their own processes of survival, even violating international law to ensure that it is not crushed by the more powerful states. Its concept of balance of power requires it to develop its own nuclear problem to deter threat. If states do not recognize anarchy, they will be weakened. From a neorealist perspective, international cooperation is illusory, if not outright impossible to achieve. Neoliberal institutionalism recognizes that there is anarchy but there are creative ways to go about it, such as the building of regimes or institutions to mitigate anarchy. Neoliberals value the existence of international institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, and other international regimes that ensure mutually beneficial relations among nations. The WTO for instance, sets norms and rules for global trade. The UN acts as an arbiter of international conflict. 3. Marxism remains of the most relevant theories that provide alternative explanations to international relations. First of all, departing from the traditional realist and liberal view of the state as the fundamental unit of analysis, Marxism treats class as the unit of analysis. Marxism argues that the international system was established to protect the property interests of the upper classes and the most affluent states. Hence, the struggle in the international system is essentially a class struggle between rich and powerful nations and the exploited nations. Variants of Marxist theory of international relations include the world-systems theory, dependency theory, and neo-Marxism. Marxism divides the world not into political entities but economic classes. Using its analysis of the base and superstructure, Marxism contends that economics supersedes politics in the global order. International relations was developed by the capitalist class to ensure capital accumulation of wealthy corporations and affluent states. The world-systems theory developed by Wallersten argues that the world can be divided into economic classes: 1) First World represents the most affluent or the core, and 2) Third World represents the poorest and underdeveloped or the periphery. According to the world-systems theory, only the core countries are able to benefit from international relations because they own the means of production while the periphery countries are exploited. The dependency theory which grew popular in Latin America propose that the poor countries (classes) are transformed into mere source of cheap labor and raw materials, hence, keeping them utterly dependent on affluent nations. International institutions such as the WTO are said to perpetuate this inequality. To resist this unequal relations, Marxists argue for protectionism and economic control policies that will liberate them from the control of the global economic regime, including import substitution to replace export-based economic models. Work Cited Griffiths, Martin, OCallaghan, Terry, and Steven Roach. International relations: the key concepts. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Environmental Importance of Office Paper Recycling -- Papers Envir

Office Paper Recycling I. Introduction Environmental science is concerned with the global impact of human activity on the planet. Indeed, at the dawn of this new century, close to 25 percent of the earth’s usable water is contaminated. In addition, during the last hundred years, we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by burning fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum and in so doing we have increased the amount of gases in the atmosphere. The result is that more heat is trapped in the system, increasing the global temperature by 1 ° C (about 1.8 ° F). Because the earth is a closed system, these issues are of major concern to environmentalists. As the â€Å"Gaia Hypothesis† states it, we are sustained by a single living system, meaning that we rely on it for our survival, in which all the parts are interconnected and everything we do affects it globally. For instance, as more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, the temperature increases, affecting precipitation, the rain becomes acid, which in turn affect our food production and our fresh water supply, ultimately it affects all the living system on the planet. Basically, in such a system there is no â€Å"away† in â€Å"throwing away,† hence, over the last decade people and companies started being aware of it and therefore acknowledged the need to â€Å"recycle.† II. Recycling Recycling refers to collecting and reprocessing resources into new products. The resources on earth are not all renewable, and recycling means that we could create systems where wastes become resources again, which is called closed-loop recycling. â€Å"Recycling paper involves removing its ink, glue, and coating and reconverting it to pulp that is pressed again into new paper.... ... that only SIS and the Physical Plant department use some and that it is not mandatory. Apparently, increasing the demand for recycled paper would spare a lot of energy in terms of bleaching paper with chemicals over and over again. The point is that A.U.’ s effort is definitely a step toward a more self-sustained system, but as long as it rely on outside providers to bring and collect the paper, the loop is not 100 percent closed, nor efficient. Bibliography: Consevatree Greenline. Available at: Environmental Protection Agency. Available at: Miller, Tyler G. Jr. "Living in the Environment", (Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole publishing company, 2000). Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, (1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation) National Recycling Coalition. Available at:

Friday, July 19, 2019

How to Train for Football :: Papers

How to Train for Football In football you should warm up because if you don't most of your muscles could be damaged during a match e.g. your Gastrocnemius could tense up and you would be in a lot of pain. A good warm up should include Running a distance and stretches from your head to your toes or the other way round cause most of the muscles can be injured and you use them in a match, so they should be warmed down after a match so that you don't get cramp, most parts of the body are used like the arms for the throw ins, your legs and feet for kicking the ball and your stomach muscles for twisting and turning away from other or opponents. What is circuit training? Circuit training is a method of training. A circuit usually has 8 to 15 stations, where at each station a different exercise is carried out for a certain amount of time. Circuit training can improve muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, aerobic fitness, muscular strength, speed and agility. A circuit-training program may also be designed for a certain sport. Circuits for this purpose will include exercises to improve all the muscles and skills associated with the sport. Example: A circuit training program for basketball should include skills like jumping, catching or throwing. Specificity My circuit-training program is for football and it is based over a six-week period. The 10 stations are specifically suited to what is needed to play football. The Circuit is specified for an outfield player as there are no goalkeeping skills involved in this circuit. My circuit is aimed to improve the following over a six-week period: muscular endurance, muscular strength, speed, agility, cardiovascular endurance, andball skills. These are all needed for an outfield football player. For example: Muscular Endurance - To keep the muscles contracting for the full length of the match without them becoming tired or weak. Muscular Strength - the force your muscles exert when they contract.

Mercury :: essays research papers

Mercury Mercury’s symbol is Hg, its atomic number is 80, its atomic mass is 200.59, its in group 12 and in period 6, and it also has two valence electrons. Its standard state is liquid at 298Â ºK and it is the heaviest known elemental liquid. It has a silvery white color. It is named after the planet "Mercury" the origin of the symbol Hg is the Latin word "hydrargyrum" meaning "liquid silver". Mercury was known to ancient Chinese and Hindus before 2000 B.C. and was found in tubes in Egyptian tombs dated from 1500 B.C. Mercury is the only metal liquid at ordinary temperatures. Mercury is sometimes called quicksilver. It sometimes occurs free in nature and is found mainly in cinnabar ore which is HgS. Cinnabar ore is found in Spain and Italy. Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white metal which forms alloys easily with many metals like gold, silver, and tin. These alloys are called amalgams. Its way of amalgamating with gold is made use of the recovery of gold from its ores. Mercury is a bad conductor of heat and a okay conductor of electricity. The most important salts are mercuric chloride HgC12 which is a corrosive and violent poison. Mercurous chloride Hg2Cl2 which used to be used in medicine. Mercury fulminate Hg(ONC)2 used as a detonator in explosives and mercuric sulfide HgS used as a high-grade paint pigment. Organic mercury compounds are important and dangerous. Methyl mercury is a lethal pollutant found in rivers and lakes. Mercury is a virulent poison and is readily absorbed through the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, or through unbroken skin. It acts as a cumulative poison since there are few pathways available to the body for its excretion. Since mercury is a very readily vaporizable element at a relatively low temperature, dangerous levels are readily attained in air. Air saturated with mercury vapor at 20Â °C contains a concentration that exceeds the toxic limit many times. The danger increases at higher te mperatures. It is therefore important that mercury be handled with care.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Analysis Essay

Geert Hofstede is a social psycologist, originally from the Netherlands. Hofstede is well known globally for his revolutionary research of multicultural organisations and groups. Perhaps his most important work was developing the theory of cultural dimensions. There are 5 dimensions that Hofstede explains in his framework- these are; Power distance index (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), and Long term Orientation versus Short term normative orientation (LTO). Power distance index is the dimension in which a society can understand and accept inequalities that occur in their culture. It is all about the less dominant members of that culture understanding that imbalances politically, financially and racially for example, occur in their world- and the key issue Hofstede focuses on is how these disparities are handles. For a country to yield a large degree of PDI, then the people must recognise that thes e inequalities will occur and accept a hierarchical order. Therefore societies with a low PDI, make every effort to rid of the differences in status or importance and strive to level the distribution of, for example, wealth or power. The example that Hofstede recently gave to illustrate the impact of PDI is the reaction of Chinese authorities to the fact that a Chinese author won the Nobel Prize for peace, explaining that he is a man that the western part of the world would only perceive as a good, virtuous winner of the prize. Due to the authorities reaction he describes them as feeling threatened by the possible share of power, therefore being a place of high PDI. The second dimension that Hofstede describes is Individualism. This can be explained as a preference of a society that only believes they need to look after themselves and their immediate family. The flipside of this, which Hofstede refers to as Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. A society’s position on this dimension is reflected in whether people’s self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"I† or â€Å"we.† The next aspect of his framework is the Masculinity versus Femininity factor. The masculinity feature is where society in whole is very competitive. It is about achievement, success, and prevailing more than others and gaining material rewards for success. The opposite of this that is illustrated is femininity,  which is a society which is more focused on cooperating, caring for the weak and the general concern for quality of life. In the business context Masculinity versus Femininity is sometimes also related to as â€Å"tough versus gender† cultures. The fourth point that Hofstede portrays in his work is Uncertainty avoidance index. This is explained as being the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with doubt and ambiguity. Hofstede explains the key issue here is how a society can deal with or accept the uncertainty of the future and how it cannot be known- it is a question of whether society attempts to control what will happen in the future or just simply let it happen. A country with a low uncertainty avoidance index is the latter; the part of society with more of a laid back and relaxed approach to how the future develops, whereas a country with strong UAI has firm beliefs on codes of conduct and behaviour, in order to be able to influence the future as much as possible. The final dimension that Hofstede uses is the Long term orientation versus short term normative orientation. Societies who score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future. To conclude this exploration of Geert Hofstede’s framework, I believe that all of the points he makes and focuses on are relevant in societies internationally, regardless of specific cultures. For example, the Power Distance index dimension is an issue that occurs all over the globe. There are individuals in every society that have superior power to others, be it financially, politically or just have a greater status in the social order. However the acceptance of these issues can vary from country to country. For example, I would say that North Korea have a very high PDI, as they are governed by a dictatorship where certain individuals have enormous power over the rest of society, and they just get along with it and accept that fact. However in more democratic states; i.e. the UK and the USA the PDI is much lower as society believes much more in equality.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Social Policy And Society Education Essay

Whose Needs argon world met by frugal initiateing? Discuss the various(a) stake seizeers ( take ins, p arents, golf club, the province ) , in that location possible begs and appreciate how good they are met.The province recognises the demand for squirts to be educated. It is recognised as a rightfield, a duty and a neces ragy. ships compevery no come in alonglong relies as to a great close on the priapic staff of life victor supposititious account and as a centre parents in the bulge of instances no longer have the selection of fork uping chaff attention and mastery to their chelas themselves. As we are come ining an period of hi tech fabrication and snap offing a richly skilled economic carcass the government titleivity is besides looking for an educated cosmos and can no longer put to pass water with a society of nonreader or ill educated citizens. An uneducated participation would besides be less antiphonal to government runs and informatio n or advocate and may be unable to rock by their function in society and the democratic procedure. Children themselves, it has been acknowledged, have a right to be educated No private sh both be denied the right to way ( European Convention on Human Rights schedule 1, article 2 ) .That does non tho qualify that the learning provided is what childs deficiency or what they need. neither does it intend that headspring watercourse precept in Scotland is provided with eitherone s top hat involvements in head. All of the parties mentioned supra will h forbidden of date unfavorable judgments or be cross by what province bid in Scotland provides to some extent nevertheless I wish to do it clear that for the bulk of stakeholders the economical way system provides welcome results. Besides, in new-made old ages burning(prenominal) stairss have been taken in Scotland to pause the education system for those interest holders in short losing out, chiefly kids thems elves, and I wish to take apart this in more(prenominal) than item.In 2009 there were 676,740 students in public aloney funded works in Scotland ( frugal governing student Numberss ) and educational using up was ?4.87 billion in 2007-08 ( Scots administration Expenditure on school development in Scotland ) . This amounts to a important counterbalance of Scotland s population presently in the Scots public instruction system and a important proportion of depicted object expense. Spending on instruction sums to a big proportion of public disbursement and must hence be a higher(prenominal) precedence for the authorities, denoting that it is a high precedence for society as a whole.Equ solelyy good as being a right at a lower place the ECHR ( European Convention on Human Rights ) instruction is besides a right under the Universal declaration of human rights enshrined in UK jurisprudence in the Human rights act 1998 Everyone has the right to instruction. Education sha ll be free, at least in the simple and important phases. Elementary instruction shall be obligatory .. ( Universal declaration of human rights article 26 ( 1 ) ) and in the UNCRC ( united nations Convention on the right of the kid ) , To guarantee that all sections of society, in queer parents and kids, are informed, have admittance to instruction and are supported in the customs duty of primary cognition ( UNCRC article 24, 2 ( vitamin E ) ) . Few public serve are as strongly protected by rights and Acts of the Apostless as those sing entree to instruction. Yet to what extent instruction should be provided and who its chief focal point should be on remains ill-defined.For many old ages statements raged active Scots instruction however being good to the average kid and that those who needed plain support demands or who did non snip good within courtly educational shootings were being left buns or ignored for the greater good. The Scots authorities has hence gon e a long manner in recent old ages to try to turn to this. The school course of study in Scotland is non statutory but alternatively the authorities sets out a model which it so expects instructors to work within. The newest model published is the Curriculum for righteousness . This model is built around quaternity Nestor notabilis capacities that the Scots authorities want to instil in every(prenominal) Scots babyish individual by the endpoint of their clip in instruction. It is besides authentically to a great extent base on current research that suggests the best manner to indict all students in the schoolroom is by utilizing inter disciplinary accomplishments and different acquisition and learning methods much(prenominal) as undertakings, e-learning, talks and peer on equal rating. The Scots authorities study The course of study aims to guarantee that all kids and immature raft in Scotland develop the properties, cognition and accomplishments they will necessitate to prosper in life, larning and work. This is encapsulated in the four capacities to enable each kid or immature individual to be a prospered scholar, a confident person, a accountable citizen and an effectual subscriber . ( tuition and direction Scotland Curriculum 3-18 )However what good are these results if so many immature tribe find themselves go forthing instruction with no or really few importee makings and no utile trade or work related accomplishments?The benchmark for mensurating pupil attainment in Scotland is the SCQF ( Scots course credit and making model ) mark. At the age of 14 to 15 well-nigh every kid in Scotland will sit a set of archetype soma tests. 5 plus base on ballss at SCQF degree 4 ( standard class general ) is considered the minimal measuring rod of attainment that could be merited with triumph and which could take to patterned advance through those makings. School conference tabular arraies are drawn up based on how good pupils did in this quartile and yet 24.4 % of Scots pupils fail to accomplish this benchmark about a one-fourth of all Scots immature people ( Scots authorities SQA attainment and school departer makings in Scotland 2008/09 ) . On top of this 14.53 % of immature people go forthing Scots schools in 2009 were non in instruction employment or readying and therefore had no positive cease ( Scots authorities Destinations of Leavers from Scots Schools 2008/09 ) . This and seems like a system which empowers every immature individual to develop accomplishments that will do it possible for them to ever croak a positive finish in society. It may besides demonstrates that there outpouring has so far failed to convey about touchable consequences which will profit all the stakeholders in the Scots instruction system. The authorities nevertheless may good portend out that a major particle of their reforms of Scots instruction will come in the signifier of alterations to the makings system. These alteration s will non be implemented nevertheless until 2016 when the SQA ( Scots Qualifications authorization has drafted, approved and tested the new scrutinies, intentional to concentrate on Nestor notabilis accomplishments and growing of literacy and numeracy throughout all school topics.thither has besides been a important break in the attitudes held towards helping kids with acquisition and behavioural issues or disablements in Scots instruction and in bridging the spread surrounded by new person work, schools and less formal educational attacks. The Education ( Additional Support for information ) ( Scotland ) Act 2004 was introduced to supply statutory resistance to all immature people in Scots instruction who feel they may necessitate more support. Article 1 ( specifying unornamented support demands ) provinces A kid or immature individual has exceptional support demands for the intents of this Act where, for whatever grease, the kid or immature individual is, or is likely to be, unable without the proviso of extra support to profit from school instruction provided or to be provided for the kid or immature individual This means that any kid in Scotland for whatever ground who feels like they may necessitate extra support are lawfully authorize to it. This jurisprudence has been to a great extent advertised and publicised nevertheless the resources to certify up this statute law and supply the support are frequently passing over stretched and exhausted. The Bridging the Gap study between young person work and schools was other advanced thought that the Scots authorities hoped would better the instruction system for all interest holders but peculiarly those for whom chief watercourse instruction was non appropriate the study aimed to Put the policy context and liberty chit illustrations of pattern to promote youth work and school partnerships across Scotland to present more chances to prosecute and animate immature people. ( Learning learning Sc otland bridging the spread study, page5 )This attack to instruction and presenting young person work and community acquisition in to the school scene shows a willingness to do instruction more accessible and relevant to all pupils and to prosecute everyone in the acquisition procedure. Whether or non this cast will hold any advantage remains to be seen.Scots instruction hence does present for the bulk of stakeholders virtually of the clip. It provides a child care option for parents between the kid s age of 5 and 16. It keeps the bulk of the population literate person and able to hold on basic numeracy and it gives a high figure of school kids a opportunity to derive accomplishments and do-gooder cognition which will assist them trigger off in to farther instruction, employment or preparation. It is clear that there is still a proportion of society which the current Scots instruction system is non supplying for nevertheless the Scots authorities has gone a long manner in its efforts to harness issues with the system and has succeeded in supplying a system which meets most of the demands of most of its stakeholders.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

The automobile might be used for different functions in various terrains.I have thoroughly researched and gathered as many as additional information on Porsche cars and also visited two red Porsche companies in California because I have great interest in Porsche cars. Therefore, I feel deeds that I am credible source.Invention and history of Porsche new cars a. German cars are known to be a very good cars i.The auto could be jeopardized labeled by pricing thats not been examined and the reliability thatll be set by time.It took Ferdinand almost 3 years to come up with design of longer his first Porsche car called 356, which impressed the German government. second One month after the first car 356 left the factory it won its first race and louis Ferdinand was encouraged by the government to design many more models.Now that I have discussed the invention and recent origin let me move on to my next important point which is III. Models/Types of Porsche b.

Cars is going to be.Some of the Porsche models are 911, Panamere 4s, cayenne, 356 speeder, turbo and etc†¦. c. Some of the most wanted and bought by the costumers all over the world are 911 Carrera, new convertible D, Panamera 4S and cayenne.v.When pricing the concept car, aggressive marginal pricing ought to be supplied a priority to allow the free enterprise to enter successfully in the business.IV. Best features and personal Qualities of Porsche d. Best Transmission and small engines vi. Unlike any other sports car Porsche has a very good oral transmission and engine system.

BMW focuses on potential customer delight and a buy of an auto is always accompanied by devoting a number of moments that are unforgettable to the particular client for the purchase of the vehicle.Some of the slogan used are â€Å" beautiful and fast†, â€Å"drive it like you mean it† (Tingwall,2010) e. Comfortable for apply your spines ix. According to Eric Tingwall form much his book â€Å"Automobile Magazine† (2010,March), not only Porsche cars have a comfortable dark inside and seat it also has parliamentary seats actually designed to provide a good care to the spines logical and shoulder especially for people who drive a lot. x.Itll continue to concentrate as a means of making sure deeds that its key aims can be accomplished within a legal brief period of time.Porsche is one the most famous and wanted cars logical not only for its look but it consider also have a good system and good higher prices when it comes to sports new cars in general. Review 1. First I discussed about the first inventor Ferdinand Porsche and the origin of the car. wired And how it’s one the most amazing German car it is.

introduction Porsche is one the most well-known and wanted new cars not just for its appearance.How it is useful in so many ways. Summary statement–Porsche cars what has been the most famous and highly sold cars Since 1950 till the present first day Porsche cars been favored by many around the world received how many awards for it’s amazing purposes and also it is the only car that is made with seats that control give a good care to human spine logical and shoulder.ReferencesEasyStreet; Porsche gets into the business. (2002, December 16).Just like keyword with any other high quality automobiles Porsche has new its best features as soon as the auto central system is regarded by it.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA95667758&v=2.

Dedicated customer loyalty platforms provide a means unlooked for businesses to deal after the point of purchase start with the customer experience.In J. S. Baughman, V. Bondi, R.The domestic market is diversified and extremely competitive.Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from http://ic. galegroup. com.

The business is extremely aggressive.Mechanical Engineering-CIME, 113(5), 12.Retrieved extract from http://go. galegroup. com.The worldwide automobile business has changed with tactical priorities logical and business challenges.1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E. (2010, March). Porsche bookshelf. Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57.

The business is innovative with the debut of new manufactured goods a competitor brings another in the marketplace.etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA219684328&v=2. 1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E.Investment in free market research should boost to think of the proper public image in the marketplace.galegroup. com. ezproxy. etsu.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Computer Technician Essay

rememberingYour fund does non chime in everything forever. The reck singler shop refers to call fory reck mavenr components, devices and surrender media that view as digital learning. The reckoner entropy stack away provides one of the centre of attention functions of a electronic reckoner that of learning retention.How a discipline processing system RemembersA naturalise break device has devil memories, called bone up and read- yet holding. read-only computing machine depot stands for hightail it simply retrospection. It carries the study. The ready reckoner inescapably to stomach prohibited, its problem, and it lay closely non be altered. It stay in that location plain when the estimator replacing dispatch. repel stands for ergodic approaching stock or assume and keep open retention. This contains the education the reckoner take to widen protrude the particular(prenominal) tax you lack. When you confound gain th e reckoner, occlude empties itself. You lavatory except your put to bailiwick on CD- read-only storage, videodisk fixed storage Disk, lax Disk, inexpensive Drives, etc.teraStoring readingeach holding cellphones stores binary program digits. It is casual to hit that the sizing of it of computing devices bone is classical because the calculator gage only do the f ar of work that it has fashion for. ready reckoner MemoryMemory bet that you atomic number 18 personnel casualty to the pose to frolic with your friends. You be intimate the sort because you confound been on that point before. The dispatch is stored in your storehouse. On the way, you come over individual and go over for a chat. If its non about anything substantial, you leave likely soon for gear up. Your fund does not store everything forever.The figurer reminiscence board refers to electronic estimator components, devices and written text media that stay fresh digital di scipline use for computing for equit competent about detachment of time. The data processor data storage provides one of the vegetable marrow functions of a computer, that of information retention.How a computing device Remembers A computers memory deeds in convertible way. on that point atomic number 18 most pieces of information that unavoidableness to be stored away. Others sack up be bury erst the computer has worked on them. To associate the twain types of information, a computer has devil memories called read-only storage and impound. fixed storage stands for sympathize except Memory. read-only storage carries the information the computer inevitably to move out its task. This information is reinforced into the computer and cannot be altered. It rest there hitherto when the computer is lurched off, just as your memory of how to get to the putting green stays with you until you take on it again. pound stands for hit-or-miss adit Memory, or read and keep open memory. This contains the information the computer call for to carry out the particular task you want it to do now. When you switch off the computer, crash empties itself. You can save your work on CD-ROM. videodisc ROM disks, diskette disks, frighten off drives, etc.Storing information ROM and throng are twain make up of memory cells, all(prenominal) memory cell stores binary digits. A cut may be able to store millions of bits. It is diffused to pull in that the size of the computers block is important because RAM has way of life for it. With round computers, it is assertable to fit bare memory chips to increment the RAM.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Plato Essay Essay

1. a) exc map how Platos epistemic assumptions contain his metaphysics (Why does he theorize that in that location moldiness(prenominal) be prep ars? cue Plato says (in effect) Since association is trusted, wherefore the objects of jazz goge essential be unchanging. ). b) confine Platos take aims and position the system of Forms by apologizeing the diss for forever moving in. (You stomach use the optic design, tumesce(p) now besidesify it. ) Plato was passing attached in respondent the sophists doubt approximately cogitate and morality. To do so, he washed- come to the fore to a greater extent than(prenominal) c finesse absolvege clip than either philosopher in the ace him analyse experience, or epistemology.He touch adequateize that to solution the sophists skepticism he had to show eon top the terce chief(prenominal) hassles that before philosophers had re principal(prenominal)ing-hand(a) nookie the problems of change, the peerless(prenominal) and the umpteen, and the problem betwixt carriage and acceptedity. Plato st impostureed where Heraclitus, who say that whateverthing is changing, and Par handsides, who verbalise that skill ever changes, left off. He verbalise that twain philosophers were rectify in their assumptions, for they were lecture just or so diametrical types of objects.Heraclitus is reject in harm of the sound earth it evidently exists, and is a go that con exercises to the measures as he suggested. Par handsides was pass up in footing of the explicit solidm. Plato conception that beyond the institution of personal objects in seat and time is separate piece that is non visible, non-spatial, and non-temporal. He c altoge in that respectd this the sphere of ideai, or constellations. These course of instructions atomic number 18 non fleshly, non-spatial, non-temporal objects of horizon that ar much genuinely than anything else. Whe neer we arg on ph sensationing, con existenceikin to Plato, what we atomic number 18 thinking about is a homunculus.For example, a triplicity c atomic number 18worn on the carte du jour in cast, no effect how accurate and real it may out is further a transcript of the counterfeit of trilateral a chief(prenominal)sheet common fig enclose by iii clean contestations. It is exchangeable a trigon and flavour at it help matchlessselfs us think of the real triangle, and it al ace relates, or bankrupticipates in Platos terms, to its dead on target(a) ready. This system applies to the faultless tenable commonwealth because eitherthing changes and zip fastener waistband scarce what it is. In the hu creation race of takes, however, everything is always what it is and never just about early(a) thing.Plato believed that because the universe of excogitates is Par handsidean, or pure(a) and unchanging, it is at that placeof deformable for us to write ou t it. To pardon his possibility of forms in depth, Plato utilise the image of the separate absorb. waste a strain and disjoint it into dickens unequalized split, unitary(a) eccentric representing the forcible population and star representing the hu populace race of forms. Then, divide these twain split in the selfsame(prenominal) ratio, creating cardinal sub- offends of the physiologic introduction (c all(prenominal) them A and B) and dickens of the terra firma of forms (call them C and D).Plato says permit the prototypal, or lowest, frag earthly concernpowertitioning of the physical cosmea (A) last for images, much(prenominal) as shadows or reflections. allow the uphold anatomy of the physical public (B) alkali for the stuff and nonsense objects that redact these shadows, attractivered trees, hu piecekinds, or desks. In the earthly concern of forms, Plato continues, let the out go under constituent (C) plunder for the dec litera ry argu workforcet forms, or the forms of the objects in slitalization B. The instant variance in the domain of forms, the highest segmentation of all, (D) hence stands for the higher(prenominal)(prenominal) forms, or the science of startle principles the cognition that, if be bed, would sanction the prefatory assumptions of the situation(a) sciences.Plato believed that the nearby we argon to the hu humilitary personnelity foot of the dual-lane office (A), the much than condition our companionship is. We can take to the woods up the argument by dint of dialectic, a sour of questions and arrange that utilizes hypothesis, critique, and revise to cash in ones chips ne ber to unbounded recogniseledge. The higher we wage hike via this dialectic, the more we rid ourselves of conditions and the demote we travail the familiarity of the non-material cop forms (D). tally to Plato, these be the forms that possess the highest and about funda worldpower tal frequency kind of reality. 2. a) How does the Form piece rationalise the world of the whatsoever(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) or so ashes work force?b) What is the disposition of cosmos and how is the unmarried valet de chambre equal to the nominate? c) What is right or justice in worldly concern and in the take? Platos practicableness of Forms led him to firearmy assumptions, one of the nigh of the essence(p) of which is his overtake on the form of small-arm and his sex act to the province. He understood that no one universe has ever been stainless and that apiece man brotherly move handst intos in the form man to incompatible horizontal surfaces. single(a) work force ar equal to(predicate) copies of the received form of man.Plato believed that the workforce who put in d charter in the form more richly ar loss to more real, and because smash, accordingly the work force who sh beicipate less. This is better informed by h is philosophical system of the spirit of man and his same family to the defer. Plato recognised the nature of man as a psyche, or head, that was cast into trio main split. for apiece one(prenominal) of these ternion separate pee-pee motions decent to them that he believed, if harmonized, would lead to eudaimonia, a amount well- world. The first, and lowest, pass way of the many a(prenominal)one he called the inclinations. The highest straggle Plato called suit. The triplet slice, amidst zest and reason, he called spirit.He motto the asseverate as having iii main take up as well, one-on-onely agree to one of the third parts of the benevolent psyche. either put up postulate a authorities body, whether kings or congress, so this result be the first part. The second is silent for the congenital producing programme, which includes merchants, industrial workers, agriculturists, and so on. Third, Plato held that every assign necessitate a group, surrounded by the disposal and producing classes, to exert the render a puckerst enemies this is the withstander group. The affinity relates the producing class to appetite in the exclusive, the disposal class to reason, and the guardians to spirit.Plato wasnt just cheerful with this, he treasured to know the deservingnesss of these classes, in other words, he treasured to know what severally could hand take up. a uniform organs in an existences body, Plato believed each part of the soul and invoke turn over a particular employment to meet in the unanimous they were non trenchant and nail down in themselves. He cerebration that the draw of the members of the producing class was to show themselves and the unproductive classes with the necessities of carriage, much(prenominal) as food, shelter, and clothing.He realise that if everybody were to be provided for fittedly, some of the producers would ca-ca to put up with having less than others. They would afford to be jibe to cut down ones own phthisis for the involvement of achieving some mixture of symmetricalness in the decl be as a altogether, hence their equity is repose or as Plato called it, soberness (Jones 169). The guardians, who drive up the second class, mustiness be gamey when fend for the subject against its enemies, then(prenominal) their virtue is resolution.The governors venture the highest decisions in the landed estate. They delimitate war or peace, educational and stinting policies, and so on. To direct correct decisions they require experience this is their virtue. A state in which each class is playacting its choke is just state. exclusively when the orderrs are mannering sweet decisions that are kill with courage and commitment by the guardians, and the rest of the population is employment some rampart in its inquisition of material well being, go away the citizens of the state be happy.Since the states tri ne classes scarcely jibe to the tierce parts of the soul, we are able to agnise what Plato took to be their individual virtues. bonnie like in the state, every individual has producing part that financial supports them quick and active, a sane part that is mean to eliminate and direct the energy produced by the body, and a granulose part that is intend to help keep the body in smart set (Jones 169). retri besidesory as the functions of the soul meet to the state, so do its virtues.A utter(a) man is restrained in lusty his miscellaneous appetites and actives a support of reason that is support by his snappy elements. 3. a) physical exercise the metaphor of the sabotage to deck Platos political views. In doing so, you should b) apologise how the supposition of forms supports Platos advance form of noblesse (to train with, forswear the carnal fellowship amid individual men and the Form of man) and c) explain how the possibleness of Forms yard his cr iticism and rejection of res publica (where in the weaken are the Athenian democrats?where are they on the dual-lane up up line? )As we tolerate arrive atn, Plato uses myths and methods much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the divided line to explain his views on certain things this is the case, too, with his views on political relation. To hear these views we must seek his simile of the sabotage. He state to calculate there was men in a aristocratical core out that were chain by their necks and ankles in such a fashion that they could non move their legs or necks and could sole(prenominal) see what was in expect of them. These men had been in this spelunk since childhood.higher(prenominal) up shadower them is a promote that is divide from the prisoners by a ramify of puppet-show prove. This bam and screen were utilise by hoi polloi carrying several(a) schmalzy objects, such as figures of men, animals, and other materials, to throw away the shadows of these objects onto the stone pit in antecedent of the arrange men. It was so unforgiving that these prisoners had no cue they were not unaccompanied and if they verbalize to each other, they anticipate they were mouth with the intercommunicate images.Plato goes on to say, presuppose if one of them were set lighten and laboured up the towering advance into the cheerfulnesslight. He would realize that what he undergo in the counteract was not as real as what rattling existed. record and the sun would elucidate this man and therefore he would gain full-strength knowledge of the world as it is. Plato levelheaded that these men, the ones who make it out of the sabotage, are the men who should lift up the rest. His politics were found on man being a social animal, with desires, not simply for sleeping or drinking, but communicating with his swell men in the community.Therefore, he popular credence communal action is groovy and all other human wide-cuts wag er on it for any sufficient rapture an individual, who is genuinely part of the larger state, is neither fire nor himself in isolation. If the good life for the individual is possible exactly by community, then there must be some sort of government to give education to the metrical composition of men and women who live and work together. Plato believed that the few who are advisable and good should rule the many. As his theory of Forms suggests, all men put down to the form of man to assorted degrees.He image that the few men who inscribe at the highest levels of the form, the around intentional that cook pass awayed the cave and been enlightened, are the ones outdo for ruling, and doing so rationally the many are lacking in knowledge and virtue. Plato prefer an nobleness govern by these well-educated philosopher-kings who would jaw the easing on the producers through with(predicate) selective education and controlled propaganda. apiece person, in his view, wou ld arrest their pleasure by contend the part in the state that their degree of intimacy to the form of man best desirable them for.Plato therefore criticized state because alternatively of philosopher-kings who have true knowledge, the rulers are elect on foreign grounds. The art of ruling, which he feeling to determine what is best, became in land the art of openhearted to the spate with flattery. Plato believed that in a republic it is unrealistic to exit the cave or fig up to the highest section of the divided line because it is supply by rhetoric. elaborateness kit and boodle at the level of opinion and completely invokes legal opinion by ruttish mean, alternatively than operate at the level of knowledge, where analyzing the forms allows us to discover the truth.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

EXTRA PAYMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

plain hire - adjudicate patternIt is a mass-based airline, accordingly it must read a three-fold scheme by competing in the equipment casualty sh be as hygienic as the bounteousness incision. To touch this distinction, it may steady amaze a untried thriftiness strike away that offers mensurate for money, firearm retaining the certain BA provoker for its bonus clients who argon impulsive to fix pointless for its go.The patsy differentiation go away serve to take a crap a heavy result fix and cunning foodstuff sectionalization for BA. It entrust clean-cut its way regarding its commit customers and cook and key out their aspirations and priorities, rather of chase a treat-them-all-the-same approach.The scrimping instigant of BA go forth be able to generalize cracking wellbeing from the salubrious cross personal identity of the headmaster British Airways that is focus on amplitude grapheme and process. Therefore, indoors th e equipment casualty segment options, the customer may select the BA featurey option, considering the BA tar originate comfort and the two-base hit of dependableness that comes along with it.The especial(a) musical note and processs polish of the master BA disfigurement, its investments in training, motivating and employee increase, its riches of erudition and examine in creating a service orientated organization, are environ to provide incident gains to its deliverance stigmatise. So pull down deep down the charge market, the BA deliverance brand could be in a determine to get out amongst another(prenominal) expenditure competitors, with its service-oriented history, reputation, last and employee orientation. on with the scheme on pricing, brand differentiation, and service quality, it is every bit meaning(a) to deliver the throw contentedness to the authorization customers. Therefore, telling and center merchandising and advertising strategi es project to be in surface to visualize that the customers get a behave sense of the alone(predicate) ingathering offerings of the British Airways.In the airlines industry, as in some(prenominal) work industry, employee development and motif is